Justin’s Bizarre Anime Backlog Adventure, Week 12

Posted on the 03 July 2014 by Kaminomi @OrganizationASG

My on-hold backlog amazingly gets smaller, and smaller, and…somewhat smaller? The weeks have gone by, and I’ve been able to finish some anime, groan at some anime while finishing it, and…grow fearful as this weekly feature is almost over?

See, when I started this feature, I was sincerely hoping I’d be done with all this before the Summer season started. But I obviously:

  1. Underestimated my tolerance for shows, probably
  2. Didn’t drop many shows
  3. Had other things pop up that’s prevented me from finishing some shows.

I have 11 anime series left from this point on. I’m expecting there to be a Week 13. Then I expect to write a conclusion when I finally get to that last on-hold title that’s not incredibly long. So I better get to writing about the anime I completed and the one title I dropped that’s not the worst thing on this list!

…Wait…huh? How does that work? How I could I drop a show that’s not quite as bad as the show that I completed?

Well, you see, you get that one special anime that’s so bad…it’s AMAZING.



I can remember this moment like it was yesterday. Episode 7. It was a fierce battle between a professional mercenary and our main character of BTOOOM!, Sakamoto. Fighting for the girl he loves in Himiko, it was a tactical match where bombs were used, knives were tossed aside, and fists were thrown, all in the name of the girl (and, well, it’s a death game. The idea is you’re supposed to kill). Unfortunately, Sakamoto got punked badly. However, thanks to outside interference from Himiko, and a well placed gas bomb, the mercenary was done and melted away, and Sakamoto emerged from the match the winner by default! (After all, he didn’t die.)

So, with that settled, the two had to get away from the gas since it spreads in the area. They ended up getting trapped and unable to open the door to get out. That’s when they saw an upstairs passage. They found a way! It was done! Sakamoto gets up there first. He extends a hand to Himiko. They’re about to be safe!

Then all of a sudden, the mercenary returns! He’s back! AHHHHHHHH!

…Now, look, I know it's not TRYING to make me laugh but–*laughs* pic.twitter.com/8T5gEqCBib

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

WE TURN to episode 11. The main character…is DEAD. (No, trust me on this one, he is!). Himiko is left all alone. Incapable of fighting without her lover, she cries her heart out while a dude who beat the game already but was sent back again because he is an absolutely abominable human being masquerading as a doctor cornered her, ready to have her explode into pieces. After she rejected his final offer to team up with him and try and get out of BTOOOM!, he throws a cracker bomb, which means as soon as she’s in range or hits her, it’s gonna explode. She’s gonna die. There’s absolutely nothing that can save her now.


…That, my friends, is the BTOOOM! experience. Please, only ride it once.

No, really, only ride it once.

I mean, BTOOM! is an anime I can talk about for a while, but to keep this brief: this is the worst anime I’ve watched so far in my Bizarre Anime Backlog Adventure. I can’t stand any of the characters (except my man Taira, who predictably they ruined in the final episode), can’t care for any of the characters, the gratuitous killing makes sense in some aspects and it then doesn’t in others, the constant sexism, which I rarely point out in a lot of anime, is so extraordinary in BTOOOM! feminists will have a field day with this, and the smarts of the actual BTOOOM! world is just…like, I understand there’s a suspension of disbelief and crap, but there’s so much that I have to not believe (how in the world does a game like this get by various organizations? What’s the real motive for creating this game?) and so much idiocy to overcome that I can’t really take it seriously. I’m probably not supposed to take it as seriously as I did.

Maybe that’s why I thought this show was a comedy.

Well, BTOOOM! was an experience. It's definitely one of the better comedy anime out there– …Wait, it's not a comedy? …Well then

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

Rating: 3 out of 10


BTOOOM is definitely an age appropriate anime. I mean it has a dad grab and squeeze his 14 year old's junk, that's certainly PG stuff there

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

Don't know what I'm supposed to say when the 5th episode of a show is already doing a recap. That can't be good

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

I laughed. I…don't think I was supposed to? http://t.co/tENPR8XdvY

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

#leapinlizards pic.twitter.com/dHxoUOsgmV

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

/remembers to keep this dude away from little children

"I won't betray you" #famouslastwords #btooom

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

I…think it's time I take a break pic.twitter.com/ZWZyZ89U0v

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

@Kami_nomi "I want to see more graphic rape!" – a direct quote from Btoom

— Val (@Masaka_Arienai) June 28, 2014

Ahh, I think I have an headache. Anime is not supposed to do this to meeeeee

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

My BTOOOM! watch is so special that I'm going to go finish it while I'm out and about on the terrace. Hooray!

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

Well good afternoon to you too! http://t.co/Ty08E8gt60

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

@Kami_nomi Why am I turned on for some reason?

— Carius Demetrios (@kencon06) June 28, 2014

As expected, the best character in this show is the final protagonist– wait what whyyyyyyy

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

This show WOULD let the best character die like a dog in its final episode. It's so BTOOOM!

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

So do the two characters you can't really care for get off the island? Find out in the manga– …wait, what? It's still going? Goddamnit

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) June 28, 2014

Problem Children Are Coming From A New World, Aren’t They?

Rating: 7 out of 10

Let’s get on to something that’s not quite the best thing in the world, but it’s pretty entertaining. We have three characters who are bored in their world because they have powers that make them practically invincible. Mysteriously enough, they’re invited into a world where they have to play games, while being able to help a community overthrow the Devil King. All of this in 10 episodes!

The characters are probably the best aspect of the show, though damn if Izayoi has the most annoying personality out of everyone. Still, being able to take care of dragons with ease lands you some goodwill, and also being cocky enough to not back down from any challenge is a trait I kinda want to see more of in shows. The actual girls in the show are also pretty cool, and the story is ok enough to get behind.

I don’t think I ultimately liked most of the situations the characters were in, or I guess, the games basically. Most were ok, but aside from the last arc, I wasn’t a huge fan of them. It looks good enough to me, and the music wasn’t great, but wasn’t bad. Overall, I was pretty happy with what I got out of the show, and if a sequel comes around, I’d be looking forward to seeing that too.


Rating: 7 out of 10

This show was a lot more bonkers than expected.

Well, at least Episode 6 was. It basically took all of the characters and did whatever the hell they wanted them to, including a Yu-Gi-Oh style battle with attack, defense, and a shadow realm background and yes my mind went to mush at that point.

Let me again remind you the characters are supposed to be historical figures in ancient Japan that created the Hyakuninisshu – you know, the 100 poems that’s famously been used in Chihayafuru!

When I last remembered this show, I put it on hold after episode 3 because it…made me go to sleep? It was weird because up to that point, I was digging the show and its crazy romances. Maybe the timing was weird. But whatever the case, I placed it on-hold. Flash forward now, and man, it’s surprisingly difficult to remember every single detail. There are a lot of characters with a lot of long names that are placed in situations that are either fun or not so fun. But the overall takeaway I got from it is love, and the different types of it depending on stature or situation, and how it can be bitter or sweet.

Yeah you keep thinking I was joking about it being bitter, oh boy!

It was a pretty interesting show, though with its weird animation and that ending music (I still don’t know how that came about), along with some stories that were nothing entirely special, it’s not great, but it’s not close to bad. You should consider watching it, especially if you liked Chihayafuru.


Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!

Good, I could use a long nap after watching you guys for 4 episodes

Rating: 5 out of 10

I remember watching the first episode and feeling sort of refreshed. It seemed pretty interesting, especially covering the Chunnibyou angle, an angle that I’m sure everyone in their lives has experienced at some point, and it looked pretty fun. That was a while back. I then decided to put it on hold, mostly because at the time it wasn’t streaming on Crunchyroll and I had other shows to watch.

I finally watched that again, and the next three episodes after that. Apparently, that was all I could take. Apologies in advance to Nibutani, who was one of the motivating factors in me trying to continue with the show past episode 3, but…despite all the craziness of these kids, I was insufferably bored. I don’t know how you can turn kids fake battling with all sorts of magical power ups into something boring, but that’s what happened here. I guess it’s because these characters aren’t normal is why I can’t get into this show? The situations? Whatever the case, by around episode 3 once Dekinori showed up, I was ready to throw it in, despite her showcasing her smarts (or lack of that) to Yuuta.

After episode 4, I caved in and found out what happened to Nibutani. You can guess by then I was resolved to not continue it. That’s why I caved in and found out what happened to Nibutani.

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Justin is the founder of Organization Anti-Social Geniuses. Anime & manga fan that likes to blog about anime and manga, is addicted to sports, and weak to crossovers. You can follow Justin on Twitter @Kami_nomi.

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