Justin’s Bizarre Anime Backlog Adventure: Conclusion

Posted on the 20 July 2014 by Kaminomi @OrganizationASG

Plan to Watch List explanation

My current plan to watch list stands at 101. Which, compared to other people, is probably not that much! However, more elaboration is needed on some aspects of the list.  While most of the list consists of shows/movies I have yet to watch, there are some…oddities in there. One of course is Gyrozetter, which has been over for a while now but the subs for that series was never finished, so…who knows when that series will ever get translated. Then you’ll have something like Eureka Seven AO on the list, which DID qualify for the on-hold list. However, there’s an opportunity I want to try and take advantage of regarding this and Eureka Seven, that’s why it’s on the list. Then you got the long shows that I already watched (Eyeshield 21) to a certain extent, but skipped a lot of episodes and crap. And then there are the shows that I finished a long time ago, but never actually rated/unsure of what to rate it. After all, I watched something like Diamond Dust Drops back in high school. High school! I wonder how things have changed since then. So it’s an opportunity to watch some shows/re-watch some shows and see how times have changed and stuff.

But that plan to watch list will just be my personal thing. I won’t be writing about that. So, this is essentially the end of my bizarre anime backlog adventure. It truly got bizarre in some points. And even the end grew to be completely bizarre. As I should’ve known…


Demon King Daimao

Needless to say, this show took me by surprise.


…Ok, aside from the episode where that scene occurred, and I’m pretty sure the plot exploded onto itself in the second half of the series, which resulted in rushed pacing and plot holes, and aside from the main character being completely overpowered at times, I actually liked this anime a lot. It is a fanservice/harem anime that is actually hilarious and doesn’t take itself completely seriously. At least in the first half. The characters are mostly nuts, the teacher in this anime wants to have the demon king (our main character) undead, and the actual fights are kind of crazy. The second half tries to go for a more serious angle, and I sort of wish it didn’t do that, but unlike most harem/fanservice shows of its type, it wraps itself up well enough that I can accept  its ending. Believe me, these types of shows where the main character waffles between choosing a girl from his harem usually ends poorly, so since I have no complaints about how this one ended, that’s gotta be a good thing. Probably.

The only other complaint is that because there’s nudity, a lot of moments get censored by light beams. Sometimes that’s good, and sometimes it’s not necessary. Then you get the joke censors, which probably would have worked better had it not been overused consistently in the anime. This is what I get for watching this online. I’ll probably have to buy the disc of this show one day…

And yes, since I would be willing to buy this anime, that tells you all you need to know. Go watch it.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-San


See, there are some good things with this show, and some bad things with this show. Which, yes, most anime are like this, but I feel Muromi-San had so much more to offer that it’s disappointing the bad nearly canceled out the good. Most of the episodes in this series are funny. They’re only 11-13 minutes in length, so the jokes don’t overstay its welcome, or don’t have the opportunity to.

Man, and I thought Mortal Kombat was brutal…

So, what you’re saying: Don’t F*** with Kappa!

But then it’ll have episodes like this:

BTW, all of ep 12 is NSFW, just warning you

I mean, I guess girls can get extremely jealous of girls with big boobs? At least anime consistently tries to sell that to us, and in this case, it’s not really funny. It’s mostly just like, “Are we serious here?” And that’s one of the problems with this show. The series can be fairly inconsistent with its jokes, and pull an episode that’s mediocre like that one. There is enough good humor and the episodes are short that I say you should go check it out, but I’m warning you to be mindful of some stuff.

And to also remember there are no right answers sometimes

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives

Rating: 6 out of 10

I’m not even sure how I finished this show, especially when this is basically the cheesiest anime to ever be cheesy. Well, maybe not, but they certainly sure like to appeal to the male gaze a lot with nearly every shot showing a schoolgirl’s panties.

Also violence and lots of it

I know one of the reasons I kept up with it was because of Gekkou, who is the type of character I can’t really hate since he has no regard for any type of human and is just cool. Aside from creepy camera person being creepy, the visuals actually aren’t terrible and look nice. And I guess the story itself is decent enough to continue to the end. Otherwise, the show itself is mostly forgettable, with some stuff unresolved (as most series are) and not much more that stands out. Don’t think it’s worth your time, but hey, if you want to see a main character get killed in various ways (most gruesome as hell), check out A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives! It’s not completely terrible.

The Ambition of Oda Nobuna

Rating: 6 out of 10

UGGHHHH, the last two episodes, uggghhhhh

I guess I should give the show some credit: it’s one of the first Nobunaga reinvented shows I actually finished! But man, aside from the potential romance between Yoshiharu and Nobuna, some funny moments, and some action that got me interested in where the show’s going, it’s kind of forgettable. The end of the series felt rushed and kind of all over the place (especially when the final boss out of mostly nowhere tried to steal the show, that was silly). I’ll give it some credit in the looks department, but otherwise, it interests me on a, “So hey, did Yoshiharu ever get back to his own world?” Which means I’d actually be down for more Oda Nobuna if it came, but I wouldn’t be begging for another anime of it.

To the light novel! Whenever it finishes!!!

Last Exile: Fam of The Silver Wing

Two things I thought to myself after I completed Fam:

  1. MY GOD THE MUSIC. IT’S AMAZING. No seriously, out of all the shows I’ve watched in my backlog, nothing stood out to be more than the composition in this series. It is fantastic. Expect me to do more research on Hitomi Kuroishi (who also composed the first Last Exile and Code Geass) and listen to her work in the upcoming days.
  2. Man, I should’ve watched the original Last Exile huh?

And on that note, yeah, I have some regrets on finishing this show after not watching the first Last Exile. Now, I heard it wasn’t completely necessary to watch the original in order to get into this one (I mean, I wouldn’t have watched it years ago if that was the case), and I don’t think it was early on especially. But as the series dragged on in the middle and a few returning characters popped up, I started to think more about that. Whatever the case, I wish I knew what I was on when I didn’t watch Last Exile back when it aired on Anime Unleashed. While I probably would have remembered nothing, it beats going into this one somewhat cold.

Anyways, aside from that, the battles in this show accomplished one thing: it made me want to play Skies of Arcadia again. Also, the the 3D in this show was actually good. How come most anime studios can’t do 3D like this? (Then again, these were ships so…) But the political overtones of the series, and what ultimately happened to Millia’s sister kind of threw my interest in this series off. I guess there was some point to it, but it felt like it was too many countries attempting to be included. Also, don’t ask me why, but I thought this show was trying to pull a Code Geass type of ending. Easily the worst thought I’ve had about an anime ever, since that didn’t come close to fruition. And I don’t know about about you, but when I can predict the ending because it’s literally the only way Fam and Gisey could get Augusta back, that can’t be a good thing.

So…is Fam ultimately a watch? I think so…but you probably want to watch Last Exile before watching Fam.

Rating: 7 out of 10


Mayo Chiki!!

This might be the highlight of the show. Well, maybe

Dropped at: Ep 5

Rating: 5 out of 10

When I watched this a few years ago, I thought the premise was hilarious and while I left it at its highest point, I believed I would be able to finish this with ease and at least enjoy this awkward relationship between Subaru, a butler that everyone thinks is a guy but is actually a girl, and Kinjirou. Boy does time change everything because I was sooooooo bored after watching past episode 3. You’d think I’d be laughing at the fact that Kinjirou’s sister would be sent back home because she broke her arm while fighting a bear and she manages to catch Kinjirou and Subaru (who was in the tub) in the bathroom with no clothes on, with the knowledge that she thinks Subaru is a boy. I was just like, “whatever.” And most importantly, as the episodes continued and tried to get more dramatic, the more I wanted to go to sleep.

At this point, the pacing was shot. I gave up and just looked at spoilers. That was better than watching the anime.


Dropped at Ep 4

Rating: 5.5 out of 10

I think unfortunately for Fafner, it’s fallen into the trap of me thinking it’s Gundam Seed and Majestic Prince all over again. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just that it feels extremely generic, and that’s what Fafner felt like to me over 4 episodes: I’ve seen it before. A boy gets into a mech, tries to save people, and then there’s a group of children who are also supposed to get in the mech. Unlike Majestic Prince though, I cared little about any of the characters that showed up on the screen. Literally nobody. The battles weren’t interesting, and the actual story felt like it had no stakes to keep me going. What I think ultimately happened is that Fafner tested my patience. I failed miserably on that end.

In general, this show’s probably better than I’m giving it credit for. It certainly still looks good after all these years, and maybe the story goes somewhere interesting. But I don’t feel like waiting to find that out.

W-wait a minute. This seems…highly unusual… pic.twitter.com/6wG6Njrj1A

— Justin (@Kami_nomi) July 19, 2014

Anime series to watch thanks to following awful people on Twitter

I’ve been out of the loop on stuff between the Fall, Winter, and most definitely the Spring Season. I expect that to change thanks to you guys, as you can tell me what was big in each season. I did watch some shows each season except for Spring (Kill la Kill, Space Dandy, Silver Spoon 2 for example), so you may just be mentioning shows I’ve already watched, but here’s some shows I only know about thanks to Twitter hyping these up, so I’ll be watching these:

Log Horizon
Outbreak Company

Knights of Sidonia
Samurai Flamenco
Nanana’s Buried Treasure
No Game No Life
Chaika: The Coffin Princess
Non Non Biyori
Nagi no Asakura

(I freely admit I only added Nanana to the list because my man Kanta Kamei of Usagi Drop fame is directing it. I have to find out how much he saved the material)

If there were any other shows worth watching from Fall 2013, and Winter/Spring 2014, let me know in the comments. For now, I’mma just…catch up to sequels I got behind on. And finish some of those sequels. Yeah.

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Justin is the founder of Organization Anti-Social Geniuses. Anime & manga fan that likes to blog about anime and manga, is addicted to sports, and weak to crossovers. You can follow Justin on Twitter @Kami_nomi.

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