Justin ‘leave Me Alone’ Bieber Posted a Shirtless Selfie of His New Tattoos

Posted on the 23 March 2017 by Sumithardia

I apologize, I should have put more of a warning in the title for that header shot. As you can see, the ever-so-private Justin Bieber, who just wants his peace and to express his deep and powerful thoughts, has blessed us with the above pic from a video he took of himself. Seemingly, the reason behind the shot is to show off his new ink: a bear and an eagle. I am sure they are terribly symbolic but I really cannot be bothered to find out what they mean to him. I’m sure they will be the subject of his next mid-concert rant. For whatever reason, Justin took the video down but his fans, thankfully, captured them. Here’s the video, in case your day was incomplete without it:
JUSTIN GOT TWO NEW TATTOOS WHAT pic.twitter.com/X7vIjj5Mrp
— Justin Bae♡ (@Shanu_Bae) March 21, 2017

Ack. I can’t with that video but, as much as it pains me to do, I have to admit this video is sweet:

A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Mar 21, 2017 at 4:28am PDT

Yes, his penchant to walk around shirtless skeeves me out but look at the faces of the lady and gentleman in the video – they’re enjoying the hell out of it so I will give this one to Biebs, that’s cute. Not cute enough to make up for being a complete d*ck to a fan in Australia, though. By now, we all know that The Biebs is denying the world the opportunity to take a photo of him (which begs the question as to where all these photos and videos are coming from.) That’s fine, it sucks for his fans but he has his reasons and he has a right to insist on this. However, a fan who worshipped him wanted to take a picture with him and his response was, “You’re invading my privacy, I don’t want a photo. Look at you, you make me sick.” Granted the fan was taking a picture that he didn’t want but why not dash into the car? Get a bodyguard to stand between you? Turn your head? He insists on humiliating those who show enthusiasm for him. The problem I have with all of his pontificating and demeaning comments is it just comes off as ungrateful, like he hates his fans. He has a phalanx of bodyguards and handlers who are fine to carry him, why can’t they run interference so his fans don’t have to be demoralized by their idol? Not to mention he is picking and choosing which fans make him sick and which don’t. Why were these mobbing fans rewarded with hugs instead of malice?
He needs to come up with some kind of plan because he won’t have any fans left at the end of his never-ending Purpose Tour. How long is this thing, like a decade? He has stadium dates into September. This kid is going to burn out – if he hasn’t already.

Photo credit: Instagram, Twitter and WENN Photos

Source: celebitchy.com

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