Justice Scalia Died from Heart Attack Having Sex with Prostitute?

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death at age 79 on February 12, 2016, at the 5-star hunting resort Cibolo Creek Ranch in remote West Texas is shrouded with mystery, not the least of which is that no autopsy was performed on the body because a county judge who hadn’t even seen the body, declared Scalia had died from “natural causes”.

Although there are two funeral homes much closer to the ranch, Scalia’s body instead was transported by car to a funeral home 3½-hours’ drive away in El Paso, where it was quickly embalmed, the bodily fluids (including blood and urine) flushed into the municipal sewage system. In contrast, the two much closer funeral homes don’t flush bodily fluids from embalming into the sewage. (See “13 questions to ask about Justice Antonin Scalia’s death”)

Another mystery is why the family of Scalia, a devout Catholic, refused an autopsy although detectives say it is standard operating procedure to treat such deaths as homicides, until proven otherwise.

Devil statuette in corridor near Scalia’s room in Cibolo Creek Ranch

On March 4, 2016, The National Enquirer published an article asserting that Scalia had been assassinated by a prostitute. In Dec. 2007, when mainstream media refused to investigate, it was the Enquirer that broke the story about then Vice Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards having a mistress and a out-of-wedlock child. For their work investigating Edwards, the Enquirer was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.

Here is a brief summary of the article in National Enquirer online, followed by the full article in the print version of the magazine:

In a bombshell world exclusive, The National ENQUIRER has learned that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death was a highly planned “political assassination” orchestrated by the CIA and carried out by a $2,000-a-night hooker! A top Washington, D.C. source said the Feb. 13 death of the 79-year-old jurist at a remote Texas ranch just 15 miles from Mexico was part of a “shocking conspiracy that tracks back to the CIA and the White House!

Here’s the print version of the article, “Supreme Court Justice Scalia — Murdered By A Hooker”:

The ENQUIRER’s probe found that Scalia’s body could have easily been flown back to Washington, D.C. for a proper investigation — and three Gulfstream jets that were available went unused. Instead, the body was secretly delivered to a far-off funeral home where the corpse was embalmed and bodily fluids were flushed away to prevent any further DNA analysis that could discover the poison, investigator Wayne Madsen told The ENQUIRER!

Scalia had strangely declined the company of a U.S. Marshals security detail when he joined others on an all-expenses-paid private party at the high-end Cibolo Creek Ranch, whose past guests include Julia Roberts and Mick Jagger. Just days before Scalia arrived with a friend at the resort, The ENQUIRER learned that a CIA spy was seen visiting a nearby “whorehouse” across the Mexican border!

An insider at the El Toreo Bar in Ojinaga, Mexico, said the man “was looking for a girl to keep an older VIP gentleman company — and offering $2,000 for her time.” The resort’s owner, John Poindexter, later discovered Scalia’s body in the jurist’s $800-a-night hotel suite. The married father of nine was found alone in bed with a pillow over his face. But before Scalia’s body was discovered, “a mystery woman” was caught on a surveillance camera, The ENQUIRER has been told.

Without ever seeing the body or ordering an autopsy, a county judge quickly pronounced Scalia dead of “natural causes.” Author Roger Stone, a former Nixon White House aide, noted, “The CIA has drugs which cause heart attacks” — but it would take an autopsy to detect them. Carman added the prostitute allegedly hired to kill Scalia could have been given a needle filled with the drug succinylcholine.

“It would look like he had a heart attack — and because there was no autopsy, any traces or needle marks would have gone undetected,” Carman explained. Madsen  told The ENQUIRER: “I have a good source that reported the presence of one prostitute at the ranch during one of these ‘stag’ events.”

The government informant told The ENQUIRER that after Scalia was given the “hot shot,” the death scene was staged. “They found out in advance that Scalia had slept in the past sometimes with a pillow over his head. So his body was laid out on the bed and the pillow was put over his face — but it was really a red herring! He was already expiring from the secret poison shot!”

The Enquirer had a follow-up article in its March 21st edition, titled “Dig up Scalia: Insiders demand full autopsy for dead judge”:

 AN ACE investigator is calling for the body of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to be dug up and examined to determine whether he was murdered! As The National ENQUIRER has reported, a top Washington, D.C., insider claimed Scalia’s death was a “political assassination” orchestrated by the CIA and carried out by a $2,000-a-night hooker. But authorities never performed an autopsy, and the 79-year-old married father of nine was hurriedly embalmed and buried after a local county judge ruled he died of “natural causes” — without even seeing the body! “If the family want to put a lid on the speculation — or make sure an evil-doer is brought to justice — an exhumation and autopsy is the place to start!” former Secret Service agent John A. Carman told The ENQUIRER. Forensic pathologist Dr. George D. Lundberg called the handling “almost unbelievable,” and said an autopsy should be mandatory “when a politically prominent person dies unexpectedly, and especially if unobserved.

National Enquirer‘s story is partially confirmed by independent investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who was the first to reveal that Barack Obama had been a member of a Chicago gay man’s club.

On March 11, 2016, on his website Wayne Madsen Report‘s weekend forum accessible only to paid subscribers, Madsen wrote this comment:

Wayne Madsen (Washington)
I believe Scalia’s family wanted no autopsy because Viagra would’ve been detected.

In his for-subscribers-only post on March 11, 2016, “Two suspicious deaths become cold cases,” Madsen also made this disconcerting observation:

WMR previously reported that the Presidio County Sheriff, Danny Dominguez, did not follow standard procedures in not ensuring that a certified medical professional conducted an official “eyes on” inquest of Scalia’s death. Dominguez’s opponent in the recent Democratic primary for Presidio County Sheriff, Caesar Melendez, a former Deputy Sheriff, said that the lack of an inquest or autopsy in Scalia’s death did not follow standard county procedures. Dominguez defeated Melendez 934 to 613 in a primary that saw Melendez run on Dominguez’s corruption as Sheriff.

Melendez said that a full autopsy was performed on the body of an illegal migrant from Mexico that was found on a county ranch last year. Melendez also said that it is standard procedure for the Sheriff to treat all unattended deaths as homicides until all clues can be pared down to natural causes or accidents.

WMR has learned from reliable sources that a Presidio County law enforcement source told The Washington Post that law enforcement is called a “half-dozen times a year” to deal with a dead body at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, where Scalia was found dead. That information contradicts earlier reports that Scalia’s death at the ranch was an unusual occurence. WMR also reported that all guests registering at the ranch must sign a medical waiver form because the nearest adequate medical facilities are at great distances from the ranch.

As reported by TruNews, on March 7, 2016 on his popular Premier Radio syndicated talk show, Michael Savage remarked that “They’re [National Enquirer] not even hedging their statements, how could they not be sued for liability.” But as Savage observed, “if these statements are all false, then why have they not been sued, why has the publication of this bombshell story that Scalia was murdered has not been pulled?

Savage also said that in his opinion “The National Enquirer does better investigative journalism than the New York Times and all the American newspapers put together.”

Scalia’s death leaves the Supreme Court evenly split 4-4 between conservatives and liberals, at a time when the Court has many controversial and divisive cases on its docket, including abortion, Obamacare, Affirmative Action, separation of church and state, ‘climate change,’ illegal immigration, and gun rights.

See also:

  • Devil images around Justice Scalia at Cibolo Creek Ranch
  • Scalia’s Magic Pillow
  • When Justice Scalia died from unknown causes, he was with high-ranking members of a secretive elite society
  • No autopsy for Scalia because his body is already embalmed!
  • Fox’s ‘Family Guy’ predicted Justice Scalia’s death and other events?
