Justice League #12 Variant is Out of This World

Posted on the 24 September 2012 by Comicscritic @comicscritic

Justice League #12 Variant
is Out of this World

Jim Lee outdoes himself with another stellar image of the romance between Superman and Wonder Woman.

DC Comics’ twitter profile (@DCComics) released the completed variant cover to Justice League #12 this afternoon.  The image depicts the Superman and Wonder Woman in an affectionate side-by-side embrace as they hover over the planet Earth.  The sun in the background creates a halo over their heads of biblical proportions.

I haven’t ‘collected’ comic books solely for their covers in many years.  I usually buy the first print of what I intend to read and leave it at that.  This variant cover has me reaching for my wallet.  I’m an unabashed fan of Jim Lee’s work and a fan of the Superman/Wonder Woman pairing, so this comes with a bit of bias attached.  Take a look at the image below and let me know what you think.

by Stephen Mitchell