Just What We Need: A “thriller” Movie About Chappaquiddick

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Mary Jo Kopechne unavailable for comment.

So you can understand  “what [Senator Ted Kennedy] had to go through”, Apex Entertainment is creating a feature film called Chappaquiddick. The Hollywood Reporter says the woman who directed Fifty Shades of Grey, Sam Taylor-Johnson, is in talks to direct the “thriller” Chappaquiddick.

Sam Taylor-Johnson

The man producing the project, Mark Ciardi, said,  “I’ve done a lot of true life stories, many sports stories, but this one had a deep impact on this country. Everyone has an idea of what happened on Chappaquiddick, and this strings together the events in a compelling and emotional way. You’ll see what [Senator Ted Kennedy] had to go through.” GAG.

More from THR:

“Chappaquiddick is a political thriller that chronicles the true story of what is described as the seven most dramatic days of Kennedy’s life.

On the eve of the moon landing, Senator Kennedy becomes entangled in a tragic car accident that results in the death of former Robert Kennedy campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne. The senator struggles to follow his own moral compass and simultaneously protect his family’s legacy, all while simply trying to keep his own political ambitions alive.”

Read the nauseating details here.

Just another Hollyweird movie I will not waste my money on.

h/t Twitchy