Just Not Feeling It.

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

Here’s a list of why I am not feeling it.

1.   I’m Sick. I work in early education and have been exposed to some plague that toddlers can only pass on to adults. Green snot, wheezing, light-headed, coughing spasms that sound like a horse is dying and I’m completely exhausted. I thought I would be well in a few days but I am now on day 8. Bless those toddler’s hearts.

2.   It’s my spring break. I had so much planned this week. Cleaning out closets and rooms. Re-organizing my files, shopping for new office furniture. But I can barely make off the couch. Yay.

3.   Nothing on TV. It’s a political year and that is all the news can cover and I am so over it. I spent the last hour looking at movies on demand and I think I have seen them all. I guess I could watch ‘Dirty Dancing’ one more time.

4.   Food. It has no taste or smell right now so why bother eating anything. I bet if you put a chocolate cake in front of me right now I wouldn’t even care. Just Kidding. I wouldn’t turn down cake if I was coughing up blood. Cake is cake.

5.   Jehovah’s Witnesses. They know I am home. They can sense it. They won’t just ring the bell and leave the pamphlet, they keep knocking. Then they try again after they have been around the block. I am to tired to even open the door and argue with them today.

6.   Pollen. We are in the thick of pollen season here in NC. Everything is green and I am highly allergic to anything that grows in the spring in North Carolina. To go outside is a death sentence for me on top of being sick with the plague.

So in conclusion: I plan to just stay inside on the couch and watch shows I have already seen. Hopefully Big Daddy will call and ask what he should pick up for dinner on the way home because he gave up on me cooking last week. At least I got another blog post in though right? I mean I know you all wanted to know just how I am doing. If you really care, put some Starbucks on the porch and ring the bell. I will pay you a million dollars just as soon as I am well and have the million dollars.  #killmenow

Have a great day Peeps