Just Like That, I Thought It Was All Over

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

My LIFE, that is.

What the h*!^?

Just like any morning ride to work, I take extra caution, especially on the windy, narrow 2-lane roads. I know and I’ve seen how crazy these people drive down these roads, and that’s not to exclude School Buses and Tractor Trailers.

As normal, there are certain areas on this one stretch of road where I take extreme caution. The road is windy and there are ditches on each side of the road that could easily engulf my Jeep.

As I slowed before this certain “DANGER” area, a tractor-trailer was heading in my direction. (Mind you, this all happened in a matter of seconds.) I saw him veer over the center line into my lane. I slowed a bit more; as he came fully into my lane HEAD ON!

I slammed on my breaks as I went off the shoulder on the right into the grass and almost down the slope …. sideways.

The tractor-trailer (who we’ll call ASSHAT), pulled back into his lane as he passed by me (sitting on the shoulder in the grass) and he continued to go!

By now, my entire life flashed in front of my eyes and I quickly saw my poor twice rejected pit bull mix sitting there, with saddened eyes because he no longer had a mommy. This infuriated me as I sat there, cursed at the driver who was long gone, grabbed my phone and sent this to my Facebook and Twitter via Hootsuite:

sitting on the side of the road after almost getting head on by a tractor-trailer on sandtown road. my life… fb.me/1E1BngPII

— Bren (@MyGrlyPrts) February 15, 2013

I was fine and so was the Jeep. Thankfully, I wasn’t in a teeny car or I may have flipped it over in the ditch.

Shaken up, I got my wits about me, somewhat, pulled out of the grass and back onto the road and continued my trip to work. The rest of the ride was consumed of visuals of my beloved soul mate, furson, and my hubs.

I arrived at work and did my normal “clock in” and sat there, staring at my phone and all the concerned people on my Facebook, Facebook Blog Pages, and Twitter asking me if I was ok.

I am so thankful today for the angels that saved me from a tragic incident.

I am so thankful today for the quick reaction time I had in swerving off the road instead of head on into this ASSHAT.

I am also so very thankful for the tight-knit community of friends that I have made via social networking and my blogs.

You all truly helped me calm down with all your kind words and concern.

Thank you all for being in my life…… Today, I am truly thankful and blessed to have ya’ll in my life.

Don’t delay in telling those who mean the most to you, that you Love them. Life is too short and can be gone…in the blink of an eye.