Just Like At a Party... You Can't Please Everyone

By Carlo @CarloAtYourServ
I was just thinking the other day about how blogging is just like at a party... you can't please everyone. 

When I started blogging I don't think I initially had an email list set up. For the life of me, I can't remember when I started my email list. It may have been later on; in 2009, maybe.  If I can't remember when I started my list, then you know I can't remember who my first subscriber was. 

Whoever it was; they might have loved my writing style and approach, and enjoyed every topic – catering and party-related, of course. 

Back then, I was worried about trying to please people. No, I take that back. I was trying to please everyone. What? What did she just say? You heard me right. Yes, I was stupid enough to think that it would be smart to try to please everyone. I didn't want to ruffle any feathers. Yeah, right. As if that ever made any sense, right? How in the hell can you write a blog called "Cater-Hater" and think you can play it "safe"? C'mon now. That's just is too much contradiction (the title of the blog and it's lack of cater  hating subject matter) to be believed. We all know that in a perfect world, I could write something like Party Mad Monday's and keep everyone to thinking well of me. But, the world is not perfect, as you know, so there is no way I will ever keep everyone who ever subscribed, subscribed. I don’t want to share anything in my blog and newsletter that isn't relevant to you guys being potential party consumers, so that's what I write about; topics that were appealing to people who feel they have been treated unfairly, by being ripped off somehow by someone in the industry or people who want the service but can't or don't want to pay the exorbitant prices of partydom. 

This is the type of subscriber I have in mind to write for. Sorry, I'm just not "down" with  treading gently and writing cautiously anymore, so as not to lose anyone who doesn't "get" it.

The problem with the other, "safe", kind of thinking is, sure... my list might take off and really start to grow bigger, but that's not my main focus. I get excited about helping you guys. For me, it's about being heart-centered and authentic, and teaching people who don't entertain (literally and figuratively) party tricks and give them ideas for their upcoming parties, and to ask the question as to why they knock themselves out, trying to put together a professional-looking party and why there aren't people to hire that they can afford. This is the change that began in December 2012 (When I began writing Party Mad Monday posts), and how I changed my blog to reflect this. I make it clear that I'm on your side, not their side.  I make it obvious that I'm blogging and talking about services and products that they want you to spend your hard-earned money on, that aren't in your budget, for whatever reason... any reason. 

If one day you start thinking, “You know, I’m not really finding Cater-Hater all that interesting these days. It's all about "capping" on the party business and I don’t run a business so I don't care.”, well... that's okay. You might even be offended. How does that old saying go? All things are not for all people, or something like that. 

I won't be upset and I'll even smile and wish you well if you don't appreciate my candor on Party Mad Monday's. It's okay if you decide you're not a subscriber I need to keep. I mean... maybe you're no longer in my niche – which would mean, you're not who my blog is focusing on. 

And, if that's the case, you're probably not going to agree with me; maybe you're a caterer or a party planner and think that things are fair, just the way things are. If that's the case, it will actually be a relief to you; to stop making my pro-consumer interest wind up in your email. 

You, the Party Customers Is #1

So yeah, I'm not trying to appeal to everyone in Cater-Hater blog posts anymore; just positive thought-provoked people who are planning to hire, or have hired professional caterers and party planners. Or, people who haven't ever hired one, who are "over" status quo business practices; who don't want to "save up" for months to have their parties planned and catered. 

Here’s my blogging philosophy for you: 
It’s better to have 100 loyal subscribers who are happy to read a blog written by someone on their side than 1,000 who delete my email; when they see it in their mailbox. Everyone knows that "Small is the new big" and that having readers trust and permission trumps quantity every time. 
Being like everyone else, just to be accepted is not cool. So, now I have a new outlook on what was driving me nuts in the past. I've decided to celebrate unsubscribers. If they read  don't agree with a professional caterer and party planner (me) and hence, gain value from my newsletter, they doubtfully will ever understand why I'm saying what I'm saying  and especially the way that I'm saying it, and so getting that persons unsubscriber notification will be more like a sign of the truth that they'll be happier unsubscribed. 
When I get notified that someone has left my list, holding a positive thought about all consumers, I wish them well. I'm actually proud that I was visible enough to be found, and that I shared my point of view, and that I didn't hide the fact that I was putting business-as-usual party business owners on blast. I don’t apologize for not selling out (like I used to). And, I don’t apologize for being me. 

I Don't Hold "You Have to Agree With Me" Hostages

So, I've decided to look forward to unsubscriptions. That means I can focus on people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the status quo, and paying high prices too. The email system that I use makes it easy for them to opt out without having to awkwardly email me,  to ask me to please stop emailing them. 

That's being professional, don't you think? You've given me permission to speak to you, so it should be easy to unsubscribe. I want my list to consist of only those who actively want to hear from me – and not everyday either, which is why Cater-Hater goes out only twice a week.  

Over It

Yes, I said it. I am over it. I'm not willing to hold back my authentic voice, for fear of people unsubscribing. I'm not willing to approach parties and catering exactly like everyone else online and offline. just like at a party... you can't please everyone.

If they're not with you, they're not for you.I'm not willing to pretend that I'm not angry about how you get treated by some of the losers in the party industry. Please tell me, how do you feel about that? 

Sponsor of the Month


I do this... I write to help to create to opportunities for all of you who choose to pursue your passion to have parties, also taking into account today's economic constraints.

I think if we keep talking about the cost of parties (I write the blog posts, you write comments), together, maybe we can break down some of the party industry's price barriers and shame some of the people who've taken your money and delivered a poor quality product right into growing a conscious and treating you right (nice thought, huh?).

Opportunities to be inspired about parties are everywhere. Yet, people looking out for your wallet are few and far between. My goal is to inspire you, causing you to question the way things are that have been the status quo for too long. When we stand together and speak up, we can be a powerful force.

Let's keep the conversation of change going. Because in the sea of everyone talking, one voice is a whisper... several voices are a scream.

Leave a comment and share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions below. Remember to be as specific as possible because what you have to say helps us all.

Always... be encouraged and encourage others too,

“Innovation is oxygen.” - Hugh MacLeod

Image source: Google+

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