Just Keep Blogging

By Chuck Underwood @brandnewvegan

Photo by BarnImages

Giving up my business in 2008 was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.  It was like watching a life-long dream die, right before my eyes.

I was devastated, as I had truly enjoyed meeting and helping so many people.  But fortunately, I had a backup plan, so back to the corporate world of Hi-Tech I went, and would remain for the next 9 years.

My entire career had been spent working in the HiTech Industry, and although there has always been ups and downs…for the most part I could always count on a stable job.

So imagine my surprise in 2013 when once again I was faced with a situation that could possibly leave me jobless. You see my company was merging and letting go of the majority of its employees, and this time I had NO backup plan.

Imagine being 50 years old, and having to start completely over….again.

Sadly, it’s an all too familiar story in this day and age, but what I did next may surprise you.  I know it surprised many of my friends and family, that’s for sure.  

You see…with no formal education in writing, photography, OR cooking for that matter…

I started a Vegan Food Blog

And everyone laughed.

You can’t make any money blogging….
Veganism is just a fad….it won’t last.

Don’t be stupid!
How in the world do you make money doing THAT?!

Ignoring all the nay-sayers….

I knew that I was passionate about what I was doing.

knew that switching to a whole food, plant based diet was the very best thing I could do for my health, the animals, and our planet.

I couldn’t explain it, but I just had this feeling, that little voice in my head, that said one day… this would become a big deal.

So I started developing recipes, and posting all my favorites.

Every single day, I posted something, either to my blog or my Facebook page.  Even after working my 12hr night shift, and barely being able to keep my eyes open…..I just kept blogging.

Eventually, I took a Plant Based Nutrition Course to further my knowledge. I studied other food bloggers, I poured over every photography blog I could find, I tried new and different ingredients in my recipes.

One way or another…I tried to improve every aspect of my business.

And I just…kept….blogging.

And slowly but surely, week by week, my little blog starting growing.  

And it grew, and it grew, and it grew.

And today?  I am considered somewhat of a leader in the online plant-based community.  I have tens of thousands of readers from every continent in the world, and I receive emails, comments, and messages thanking me….each and every day.

They thank me for helping them lose weight, eat more healthy, lower their blood pressure, and even reducing or eliminating their medications….  One lady even said that her “couch-potato – junk food loving – microwave ready  – carnivore husband” is not only enjoying my recipes, he’s actually in the kitchen cooking them himself.

No corporate job in the world can compare to the pure joy of being able to REALLY help someone, not one.

And THAT….is why I blog. 

In June of this year, I quit my corporate job (for good this time), and have almost replaced my Hi-Tech Income.

And my previous company?

I just saw where they are laying-off again……

I wish them well.