Just Instagram It!

By Verybusymama @verybusymama

I've had Instagram for over a year now. Never used it.
I had one or two pictures and I had it on a private setting. Not sure if I just need a new social media outlet, or a new "toy" to play with but I've been Instagraming it all over town and frankly, I like the simplicity of it.
Snap it, filter it, caption it, post it. 
Others can like it and comment or not.
Here are a few of my fave snapshots from the past few weeks...
Showing off my Stella & Dot Bahari Necklace that Kristin Biggs sent me Day at the playground with my little man An ode to Great Britain - love my tea! Jason Wu bag from Target I got for $11
I found 3 and got excited then remembered what country I am living in *sad face* Seven hour car ride to Upstate New York Little M asking where his papi is (away on business) Saturday Style: Primark blazer & Clothing for Tesco Top

Stella & Dot jewelry on display for my Trunk Show with Kristin Biggs Lusting over this Petra Braided Bracelet Kristin and I. So happy to have met her and thrilled to be working together! More Stella & Dot bracelet love
Hey llama llama. Little M at the Reston Zoo Little M's first scooter bust up and my pretty pink nails Looking for ants Little M's FIRST ever REAL drawing - a smiley face!
See? No managing anything and it literally gives you a snapshot into peoples lives. It is very difficult to read everyone's blogs and I like being able to see their photos.
Blogging, tweeting, pinning, touting and Facebook can be too much at times and I find this one to be less of a hassle and more fun.