Just Got Engaged, Now What?

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

If you've just got engaged and aren't sure what to do now - here's what comes next.

Before you start anything, you'll need to make a list. These will become your new best friends, and you'll end up just getting lost if you don't write it down. Try and keep everything as orderly as possible, so if that means keeping things color coordinated or in alphabetical order- do it. (You'll understand why!)

Now if the idea of planning everything yourself is just too much to handle, don't worry, just go ahead and hire yourself a wedding planner . It's their job to take everything off your hands and sort it for you. All you have to do is arrange an appointment, tell them exactly what you want and how you imagine your wedding to look, and they'll create that vision for you.

We all need a budget, without one you won't know what you can and can't have. Not only that, but it'll make you have to focus on the absolute must haves first, and then whatever you have left over is more exciting because you get to indulge a little. (Again this is where the lists come in handy!)

When choosing a , you will most likely be choosing two different places. The first being where you get married, and the second place would be where you have your celebration party.

Think about where you want to say your vows to one another; this may be a church, a registry office, or even on a beach!

Then, where would you like to hold your party? Places like hotels are ideal because not only will everyone be fed and have lovely beverages throughout the night - they give people the option to sleep there too. Just kind in mind your budget, as this can be pricey depending on how many guests you want to invite.

What are you going to wear?? For most women that is one of the most important parts of the whole day; their . So choose wisely. And don't forget about the bridesmaids! If you haven't already, it's a good idea to think about the color scheme of your wedding, as the bridesmaids dresses play a big part in that.

Flowers play a key role in bringing everything together, so make sure you choose your colors carefully, as well as the arrangement .

Another thing people class as a decorative item is their wedding cake. It isn't just about the taste anymore; it's visual. You can create pretty much whatever you want out of sponge and icing so why not think big?

Do you have a band in mind that you'd love to perform at your wedding? Or maybe you know an awesome DJ. Get in touch with them as soon as possible so you can book them before they're busy. And if they are, at least you have time to look for somebody else.

And after all that?.. Well, you live happily ever after!