Just Before Lunch...or Dinner {Un Aperitivo}

By Aldy M. @AlDenteGourmet
Un aperitivo
As I was telling you, toasted bread with a savory topping is something very dear to me. I've  grown up having an ''aperitivo'' ''appetizer'' before lunch. You see; from where I come from lunch is a ''must have'' and appetizers are always a way to stimulate the palate before a meal is served. Slices of toasted french bread with cheese and salami is one of my old time favorites!

Yes, my grandfather used to prepared these aperitivos for my brother, my sister and me when we were little.But it has to be with toasted french bread, he always said! Some were cheese and salami, some were tomato,onion and parsley and some were just plain cheese,and they were prepared just perfect!

Something simple but very comforting. Something homemade.

Toasted bread, drizzle of olive oil, red onion finely chopped, avocado, cherry tomatoes, basil, little bit more olive oil and sea salt.That's it!
And also some inspiration for the weekend
Lovely creativity by Artist Anita Rivera from the beautiful blog Castles Crowns and Cottages
And if you never visited Anita's blog, I invite you to indulge your soul. The Art of Making Pesto, a film  by Tiger in a Jar that will inspired your senses! This words. And this gorgeous Apple + Scale picture by Rosa's Yummy Yums. These flowers from 79ideas. And this breath-taking "Sea view" while visiting the north Island this week.
Happy Friday! I hope you are feeling inspired too!