Just Because You’ve Had Enough Doesn’t Mean You Wanted Too Much

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

What would the world be like if everyone looked inside a slaughterhouse truck for 2 minutes? Watch these remarkable acts of bearing witness.

When I watch the faces of the cows, pigs, sheep and goats in these videos, I weep; and I wonder what others might feel, what meat-eaters might feel, looking into their eyes and bearing witness to their plight. The cows seem so frightened, so sad, and so weary of their wretched situation. What a wholly different life they must have longed for all along; how needlessly and utterly this world betrayed them. Looking into their eyes, I think of the last lines of a poem by Dean Young, and I wish I could communicate the sentiment to them.  The poem is called, “Poem Without Forgiveness.” And it ends—

Just because you’ve had enough
doesn’t mean you wanted too much.

Source: freefromharm.org