Just Another Mom Who Blogs Eh

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

When I mention that I blog I get the usual “Oh you’re another mommy blogger then” and yes I guess I am in the fact that I am a mom who blogs.

I read many blogs and I know many mommy bloggers and I agree the vast majority of them, write about life as a mother, what we had for tea and where we went at the weekend.

Family-and-homemaking blogs are weblogs which feature commentary and discussions especially about home, family, and parenting. Appellations in media reports of “mom blog,” “dad blog,” “parenting blog” and “family blog” refer to blogs of this type. (Wiki)

I didn’t start a mom blog with the intentions of writing about my life as a mom as such; the blog was stared to provide a safe and confidential space for a group of mothers to use to share their own experiences.

Where most mom blogs are written by 1 mother, following 1 mum’s life, mine throws in the advantage of offering thousands of mothers and opportunity to share their stories and experiences anonymously.

I did not set out to create an award winning mom blog, I just wanted to give mothers a chance to make friends and gain support.

I had no idea about blogging, SEO and I didn’t even have a Twitter account before starting the blog. I now run a very popular and almost famous mums group on Facebook and have over 10,000 people following me on Twitter.

If you are a mom or mom to be and want to meet the mums behind the blog stories then send me a friends request to the mums group and come and join in the sheer madness yet dedicated support network.

1 day, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook will join together and be called YouTwitFace.


If you use Twitter then be sure to follow me on twitter and drop me a tweet.

I am new to Pinterest and Google + so come and be my friend there as I feel rather much like Norman no mates over there.

I have received so many thank you inboxes, tweets and emails that it leaves me humbled that I am making a small difference to others.


I am just another mom who blogs

I wanted to share an email I received today:

A friend of mine sent me your address and I poked around at first think oh yeah another mom who blogs…. but man I was wrong. Your stories are more than just a bored mom rantings and shitty healthy recipes.

I was actually inspired and felt like someone else might get it.

I want to thank you and say hey, things get bad… but like you sometimes we just have to crawl out of the hole and trudge back up hill.

I’m actually finding myself engrossed in a mom blog x


I smiled and thought yes I can just imagine your face when you reluctantly went to read yet another mom blog to find topics like abortion, sexual abuse and self-harm are what I actually write about and not potty training and how to make a hedgehog out of an empty toilet roll holder.

So what type of blog do I write? An everyday real life parenting blog I guess.

I use the word “unique” when describing the blog as I have yet to come across another that’s so completely crazy and manic with no actual direction. The blog topics are not thought out; they are given to me in the form of blog posts.

My twitter bio says I write a controversial blog, have you read some of the debates and topics, I think you would agree?

The blog offers mums a place to grab a coffee and take a pew and allows me to amaze, shock yet inspire so many.

How would you describe The Real Supermum Blog? Oh and your only allowed to use 1 word in your answer x