Just another bit of work by the guy that brought us lifestyles of the painfully hip + sometimes famous. THE Selby ( becaus he's the original. Nobody else like him. All other's are frauds...did he give himself this moniker? god, I hope not. ) once again, focuses on a quiet, great looking, creative couple with really cool digs (and coffee maker) wearing Zara clothing (because, duh, guess who funded the flick) doing really great, creative things with their lives. Watch it and weep knowing that no way, will you ever be as cool. sorry. it's true. (p.s. it's also a beautifully shot film.)
Just another bit of work by the guy that brought us lifestyles of the painfully hip + sometimes famous. THE Selby ( becaus he's the original. Nobody else like him. All other's are frauds...did he give himself this moniker? god, I hope not. ) once again, focuses on a quiet, great looking, creative couple with really cool digs (and coffee maker) wearing Zara clothing (because, duh, guess who funded the flick) doing really great, creative things with their lives. Watch it and weep knowing that no way, will you ever be as cool. sorry. it's true. (p.s. it's also a beautifully shot film.)