Just A Random Post!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
It's been a while since I uploaded a photography post, it's been all baking and recipes recently, which don't get me wrong, I love making but I also have an original love of photography, i'm one of those people who carries their camera around everywhere with them, if for some reason I do forget it, I always feel so annoyed with myself so I make sure it's always in my bag ready now! We decided to pop out super early the other day, 8.15am to be exact, and headed to a nice big park for Abbie to play in, she's at that age now where she loves parks more than ever, she climbs everything, she loves the swings and is a lot more adventurous with trying the newer things too! Unfortunately the park was pretty wet from the rain the night before but nothing can stop a toddler and her quest for fun right! I dried everything I could off with my scarf and Abbie had a blast nonetheless, I didn't take too many photos but it was nice to capture her little personality in these ones again! At the end of the post i've also shared a little video I made too, it's the park trip mixed with soft play, mixed with Abbie being super cute and kissing the camera! I'm no expert when it comes to filming but I really want to start creating more video memories Abbie can watch when she's older!