Junkmaster Update: Junkmarketing 101 & Senior Thesis

By Salvagedspaces @salvagedspaces
Lucky #7 and #9 of my Junkmaster Curriculum have been completed: gather at least 1,000 page views on one post on Salvaged Spaces and post on another website/blog. The goal of our blog was never about getting a lot of page views, but it's fun to see nonetheless. 1,000 page views seemed far from achievable when I first made this blog, but I soon realized it doesn't take long. Here's a quick look back at how our blog's page views have given us some lucky breaks, opened up doors, and introduced us to some pretty amazing people!
The post with the most amount of page views is Finding My Dream Home.

It more than tripled my Junkmaster goal and I couldn't be happier that it's the winner! This post, and lifechanging event, was inspired by our blog because we opened up a Pinterest account, which ultimately gave us clues as to where this house was located. If you haven't read this post yet then what are you waiting for?! It's my favorite! And best of all, Pete and Lucy (who was clearly still in the womb) got to experience it with me!
Back to the subject of Pinterest. If you're blogging, you need a Pinterest account. Many of our page views come from Pinheads. In fact, one time Pete was being funny and wrote an April Fools post about Five Minute DIYs and more than 500 people AT ONCE were reading the post from seeing it on Pinterest (maybe not a big deal for most people, but we were thrilled).

DIY Water Fountain: Tastes Sticky

What a goof.
Oh, and if you're new to blogging and wondering how we know 500 people were viewing our blog from Pinterest, then you need to connect your blog to Google Analytics. This tells you everything from average age of viewers to top search items:

Why was anyone searching for the search item #51 (see above)? And why did it bring them to our blog? I will never know. But Google Analytics was also fun to watch while I was job searching because I was Googled a few times! Creepy!
We also tried to stay connected to like-minded junkers since they were so encouraging and full of great ideas. I posted regularly to Junkmarket Style and commented on countless junk-related blogs. Never underestimate the power of networking! Posting and submitting ideas on blogs has gotten us featured on websites like Remodelaholic (this completed Junkmaster #9!) and got us a spot on a Buzzfeed List.
And somehow, through all of the networking and posting we've done, we made it into Flea Market Style magazine TWICE! How cool!
So even though our goal in creating this blog was not focused on number of page views, we love sharing our junky ideas and learning from everyone who stops by! And I love that I'm two steps closer to becoming a junkmaster!