“June” Is Not An Acceptable Word On Words With Friends

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Internet is down at the Not The Worst News Headquarters which means this is our second entry ever written on an iPhone. And it also means plenty of time to play the hit game Words With Friends!

Or as we like to call it “Words With Friends Who Like To Randomly Assemble Three Letter Words That Randomly May Or May Not Be Accepted As Real Words.”

We are not upset that “June,” also known as the “sixth month of the year on the calendars in English-speaking countries everywhere” is not an acceptable word in this game.

But if you’re going to leave out June, Zynga, is it really fair to count everything from Hebrew numbers, to archaic English, to the Greek alphabet (we’re looking your way “Xi!”)

3 Less Obscure Words “Words With Friends” Could Allow You To Play Than Its Current Dictionary

1. Baby talk! What kind of discriminatory game is this that doesn’t encourage today’s one-year olds to learn how to read and write? We’re certain once the first baby discrimination lawsuit hits, we will finally be able to play “Ga.”

2. Words that are part of modern day slang. When is the last time you’ve been at the local combination Pizza Hut and KFC and heard someone order a slice of “Za?” We’ve never seen this happen, but our friends sure like to ditch their “Z”s using that “word.” Which might make us scream “Doh!” If it was 1990 (“Doh” incidentally was added to the dictionary in 2001, but is not allowed in Words With Friends.)

3. Symbols and emoticons. Where is the dollar sign that appears in Ke$ha’s name and so many top 40 titles of the past decade? And why can’t we make an emoticon sad face for 10 points after our friends play words like “cig” and “vino”? Get with the times, Zynga and add “the real modern alphabet” to your word assembly game!