June Disability News and Blog Post Round-Up

By Emily @emily_ladau

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Happy summertime, everyone! I tried so hard to narrow down the links for this month’s round-up, but I’ve decided that I need to include ALL the links I saved. If you have an afternoon or an evening to yourself, you should totally grab a drink and settle in for some awesome reading. Otherwise, I highly suggest pinning or bookmarking the round-up so you can come back to it whenever you have a few spare moments. It’ll be worth your time – I promise. And as always, let me know what interested you the most, and if you think I missed anything.

Disability News

Disability Blog Posts

Phew! That was officially the longest round-up I’ve ever put together. Hope you found some pieces that resonated with you!

Past Round-ups:
May 2014April 2014March 2014February 2014
January 2014

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