June 23, 2015 – Tuesday’s Training Report

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

Well, another week has gone by, and I just finished week #7 of the Hal Higdon's "Novice Supreme" 30 Week Full Marathon Training Plan. I had high hopes for this week but truth be told, I didn't achieve my goals. I did run, and in the past I've been known to not run at all for weeks and weeks and then shove my way through a half marathon, so I won't beat myself up, I'll just accept the facts and try again next week.

So here are the results of Week #7:

Monday - Rest

Tuesday - Ran 2 miles on the home treadmill (13:50 / 14:05)

Wednesday - FAIL

Thursday - Ran 2 miles on the home treadmill (13:57 /14:21)

Friday - FAIL

Saturday - Work Seminar half day / 2 hr. walk 4.92 miles (10,906 steps)

Sunday - Ran 3 miles (14:12 / 14:03 / 14:03)

I switched Saturday and Sunday's scheduled events due to the fact that I had a seminar out of town for work. Lucky for me, there was an awesome mall right across the street so I could clock some walking time and shop around for fun!

WEIGHT/EATING: I didn't lose, but I didn't gain. Stayed exactly the same..... again! With regard to my food plan, I was actually pretty good and stayed on track. Saturday afternoon we ate an Italian restaurant and I made a decent choice, but then we stopped at an Amish market on the way home and don't you know - it was their 50th anniversary and a 2-scoop homemade ice cream cone - salted carmel pretzel ice cream cone - was only 50¢!!! How could I resist?

GOALS FOR NEXT WEEK: So first off, it's a good thing I ran Sunday morning, because later in the day I was cleaning the garage. I had a misfortunate "incident" and suffered from a case of the clumsies. I dropped the electric hedger and it landed right on my ankle. It was bleeding way too much for something minor. I realize I need to take a couple days off to let the skin heal over a little bit so it doesn't open and bleed while I'm running. It could have been worse, so I'll be grateful if I only miss a day or two of next week's training. For Week 8 of Hal Higdon's "Novice Supreme" 30 Week Full Marathon Training Plan, I'll do my best considering I have to heal my ankle.

I will do my best to stay on track with my eating, and drink more water. I failed (again) in the drinking water category, but I'll try to do better (again). I never made it outside to run, and I still have the Garmin Vivoactive that needs to be calibrated so I can use it on the treadmill. Without a few outdoor runs, I'll never be able to actually use the Garmin Vivoactive on the treadmill until I get up and get outside! UGH!

It would be great if you would stay connected with me!! You can follow me on Twitter @DebiL1611, like me on Facebook at 2014 and Beyond, circle me on Google+, follow me on Tumblr, Instagram and Bloglovin', subscribe on YouTube, or connect with me on LinkedIn and Pinterest.

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