Jump Start: A Little Elegance

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

Paris, 2007. Somewhere in the Louvre (I think). Napoleon's apartment
in the Louvre. (Thank you, Faux Fuchsia!)

Between our child and dogs and a small house in various stages of dilapidation, our daily life is fairly rough-and-tumble. Nothing fancy, anything breakable up high and everything else frequently under a light dusting of dog hair. And between home and a strictly utilitarian office environment, there isn't much inherent elegance in my daily life.
But elegance, even the simplest kind, is soothing, nurturing and restorative. A little beauty incorporated into daily life is good for the soul. Elegance and beauty in our environment remind us to stop, pay attention, sit up a bit straighter. So one of my Jump Starts has been to find small ways to add a bit of elegance to the quotidien.

1. Buy a small bouquet of flowers weekly for my office. Even just bunch of daisies from the supermarket adds such a nice touch.

2. Arrange fruit in a pretty bowl. Whether my grand-mère's antique crystal compote (above) or just a bright ceramic bowl from TJ Maxx, it brings some life to a room.

3. Light a scented candle at bedtime. (But be sure and blow it out before you go to sleep!)
How have you found ways to incorporate a little elegance into your daily routine?
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