Julep Maven March Box

By Thedivadoll @marlenefrierson
Today is one of those, stay-at-home and veg kind of day for me. Don't know why, when it's gorgeous outside. But, I just get in those moods where I just want to stay at home and basically do nothing but surf the Internet, & blog of course!
So I guess me vegging out is a plus for you darlings, because you get to have some fresh material to read.
As you read on my previous posts, I joined Julep Maven. So far I've received 2 boxes from them.
They come a really cute little black box, completely stuffed with pretty colored shredded paper. When I first signed up, it was just in time to receive the February box, so I got that within days. I chose Classic with a Twist, and because it was Oscar month, the colors I got were Oscar named themed, I also got a top coat for my hair. It leaves your silky looking. But you can't use too much or else it will weigh your hair down. Pictured below are the items I received from my first box.

Meryl & Oscar

Me currently wearing Meryl
BTW ( I did my acrylic nails myself) :)

Meryl is like a gray color polish. I like this color especially to wear with neutral colors and it's perfect for the work place. When I want to had a bit of sparkle, I can add Oscar as a "french" tip if going out on the town.
My next box I stayed with the Classic with a Twist selection. I love the colors I received in this box. They are very "Me". They also threw in a cute travel nail file. :)

Brooke, Jennifer &  Julep Elixir Organic Moroccan Argan Oil

I will probably change my polish in a few days and do these colors. Most likely, I will add "Brooke" as a french tip just for fun. 
So these are the 2 boxes I've received so far. Are you a Julep Maven? Sign up! Why you ask? Well check this out!
( Taken from the Julep Maven website)
Perks of your Julep Maven box:
    • Over $40 worth of customized products each month elegantly packaged in our exclusive beauty editor Sneak Peek Box
    • Featuring new, never before released colors and treatments FIRST to you, before anyone else
    • Also includes hits and cult favorites-the products we like to keep on the top of editors' minds
Welcome to VIP treatment-because your opinion matters to us. YOU are our favorite beauty editor!Did I mention the monthly fee is only $19.99! Not bad if you ask me. So if you aren't a Maven, sign up with the link below. You'll be glad you did! Sign up to be a Julep Maven Today!XOXO