Juicing with Currys

By Remielund @remsluxuryblog

A few weeks ago I went to a pretty exciting event hosted by Currys that was all about juicing. Now I’m talking about grown up juicing here not blending loads of sugary things into a ‘smoothie’ (honey, ice cream, the occasional mars bar) or trying to survive on juice alone (ALL JUICE CLEANSES ARE BAD NEWS). I have recently started making breakfast smoothies so this event was perfectly timed as I’m not as saintly as I should be and spinach is the only vegetable I’ve experimented with so far. So when Currys invited me to experience a day of juicing and yoga with a few of my favorite bloggers, I couldn’t resist. I met up with the lovely Caroline and Sarah for a healthy green tea at Fillmore and Union before the event for a little catch up and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t eat a white chocolate and raspberry muffin on the side *tut tut*.

We spent the day learning the art of making healthy juices with nutritionist Shakela Shan. She taught us how to whip up juices that are not only good for you but look pretty too. There is nothing more disappointing than making a juice that isn’t good looking enough for your Instagram. We learnt how to make green juices with kale, spinach, broccoli, ginger and vibrant ones with oranges and carrots. It turns out that you can’t actually taste the scarier ingredients and you can disguise even the most daunting ones with pineapple. I’ve never thought of adding anything but fruit and vegetables to my juices but it turns out there are lots of things like avocado oil, nuts and seeds that increase the antioxidant levels. A sprinkling of Turmeric not only adds a little spice to your juice but adds a gorgeous hit of color too.

We then skipped off to go and make our own juices and try out the new juicers from Phillips. I played it safe with a small handful of ingredients topped off with a generous dose of Coconut water before not placing the jug underneath the juicer in time and getting completely covered with juice. What I managed to salvage was pretty nice though.

To the person in front of me who was brave enough to put beetroot in theirs, I salute you. I wouldn’t even know how to peel one or which parts to put in…

After my 456th juice of the day it was time to try a little Rocket yoga. I love yoga and it’s something I want to do more of. Being self-employed, I have a schedule that allows me to indulge in a 10 o clock yoga class but there always seems to be something more important to do.

Want to see my downward dog? Check out the post that Currys have put together for more pictures from the day or follow the #currysintrojuicing on Twitter for more posts. A hug thank you to the Joe Bloggs team for organising such a fun event.

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