Cops typically take one or two crimes and chop them up into four to six crimes (surgeons have adopted this trick now too). This is chickenshit just like when cops arrest you for the crime of “making an officer angry,” otherwise known as BS crimes like “resisting arrest.” Resisting arrest is one of the worst chickenshit charges out there. They will arrest you for resisting arrest before they even arrest you! Some other chickenshit charges are destruction of evidence (often a BS charge), disturbing the peace (otherwise known as “pissing off a cop”), and assaulting an officer (otherwise known as “getting beat up by the police”.)
Getting an assaulting an officer charge is simple. Simply get arrested a bunch of times and wait around until the beat you up or start throwing you around! If they beat you up real good, you will get charged with “assaulting an officer.” Yep, I am serious. Every time they cops beat you up, they will automatically charge you with assaulting an officer! I mean you probably did, right? I mean you took your face and flung it right into that poor cop’s fist, right? Careful, you can really hurt a man’s fist that way!
But cops do this all the time, and the cop-loving public stands up and roars their approval. If I were on a jury, I would vote to convict on the minimum number of crimes and vote to acquit on all the chickenshit add-on stuff we see all the times nowadays.
It’s easy to love cops until they put those cuffs on you even one time. It’s easy to love jailers until you spend a mere several hours behind those gay bars, I mean gray bars. As you might have guessed, been there, done that, got the PTSD.
As a result I am very wary around cops, although I like high ranking cops like sheriffs, and I have a soft spot for detectives except the two who tried to beat a confession out of me that one time in their office for a crime I did not even commit. Whoops! Loose lips sink ships, and you didn’t hear that. Detectives are your best friends and your worst enemies. I respect them and high ranking cops because they are smart. Your average beat cop is average intelligence, and it shows. And makes them hard to deal with.
I don’t mess with cops. I am very afraid of them and try to be a very good boy when I am around them. Sometimes they pull me over to harass me, like for the crime of being out driving at 4 AM. I guess cops think that is illegal or something. I just go completely submissive and suck up to them. You should hear me. I sound like a whiny little boy with a high pitched voice. I sound like such a pussy!
Believe it or not, this show of submission gets you out of a lot harassment. Cops are mammals and rather undiluted ones at that. They’re quite in touch with their mammalian core, and many of them are out and out sadists. Many times, as with many men who seem to challenge you to fight, they just want to dominate you and make you go submissive like any other mammal does.
See those cats and dogs running around in your house? Watch them for a very long time and really think about it. Now apply what you learned to we super-mammals. See how close it fits?