Judge Declares Seattle Garbage Check Unconstitutional

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

In January 2015, Dr. Eowyn told you about how the City of Seattle residents could no longer throw food away in their garbage due to a new law that went into effect Jan. 1 of that year. The city wanted to fine families $1 on their garbage bill for putting “food-contaminated cardboard” in their trashcans. Enforcement of this new law would go into effect in July 2015 and garbage employees would go through garbage cans to ensure that people weren’t violating the new law.

A lawsuit ensued and sanity prevailed (hard to believe given that it’s liberal lala-land in Seattle and King County).

MyNorthwest.com reports that the City of Seattle can’t rummage through your garbage after all.

Judge Andrus

King County Superior Court Judge Beth Andrus declared last Wednesday that Seattle’s ordinance that allows garbage collectors to look through people’s trash to ensure food scraps aren’t mixing with trash is “unconstitutional and void.”

Eight plaintiffs joined together to sue the city over its practices regarding garbage collection. The Libertarian group, Pacific Legal Foundation, filed the lawsuit last July.

Andrus entered an injunction against the city’s enforcement of the ordinance, according to court documents.