Jubilee Weekend

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

I will admit I haven’t done too much this Jubilee weekend, though I did manage to pick up a few bits for myself while I was out doing the food shopping.
Here is my selection of goodies.
I picked up some new nail varnish along with a new notebook, pens and the best part of all a dib dab. I really should stop the impulse buying especially as I’m going away tomorrow and I’m supposed to be saving money towards moving out.
The nail varnishes are just Tesco’s own brand for 99p which is a bargain but they were also on a 3 for 2 offer making them a steal and i just had to get three. I never manage to use a full bottle of nail varnish before it starts going funny but I think these are the perfect size that I won’t need to worry about throwing out nail varnish.
I couldn’t resist the notebook when I saw it, I’m not quite sure what I’ll use it for just yet as both my handbag and my knitting bag have a notebook but I’m sure I’ll come up for a use with it soon. I do wish I’d bought the larger size so that I could use it for writing cake recipes and they also do a folder which would be great for storing recipes I get out of magazines. I may have to pick them both up next week when I’m back from my holiday if I have any money left over. I bought the pens purely because they just caught my eye and who buys a new notebook without pens? I have enough to last me a while and I can get brightening up my writing.
My Jubilee cake
It's delish :)
I did do a little something for the Jubilee this weekend, I made a cake. Me and my mom decided we would have a Jubilee tea party just the two of us so I made a Victoriasponge cake with fresh cream and strawberries. My cake got the red and white colours in and with the plate having a blue print I got all three colours in.
I’ve had a lovely weekend spending some time with my mom after the busy week I’d had and I’ll be having another busy week with my trip to Scotland.