Joyeux Noël! ¡Feliz Navidad! Buon Natale! God Jul!

By L.m. Archer @lmarcherml

Dear Readers:

Holiday Greetings to all, wherever you are in the World!

Porte St. Nicolas is the gateway to the historic city of Beaune in Burgundy, France.

" data-orig-size="500,500" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-image-title="PorteStNicolas-Beaune" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.8","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 7","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1511114832","copyright":"","focal_length":"3.99","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.2","title":"","orientation":"1"}" width="300" data-medium-file=";=300" data-permalink="" alt="" height="300" srcset=";=300 300w,;=150 150w, 500w" class="size-medium wp-image-17959" data-large-file="" />Porte St. Nicolas-Beaune. ©L.M. Archer

Thanks for enjoying the tastes of affordable Burgundy, Bubbles and beyond with me in 2017 – best wishes to you and yours in the New Year!

Santé!  Salud!  Salute!  Skål!  Cheers!

Always a treat to hear from you – please feel free to leave your comments below, or on Twitter/Instagram @binnotes.

Copyrighted 2017 L.M. Archer | binNotes. All Rights Reserved.