Journey to Spain 2 – The First Days: Rupià

By Luphil

Although the journey was long, it was a very precious time. Mathilda, a group member from Berne, accompanied me. She had the audiobook ‘Autobiography of a Yogi‘, and while driving to the south, our minds dwelled in the stories of the book. And often, associations to our lives brought up conversation excursions. I had prepared the different stages of the journey by contacting Spanish group members on the way. I had done a similar journey in August 2012, and we came now again to part of the places or the people.

The first stop was at the home of Mar, a dentist we had visited in 2012 in Girona. Now, she was living with her husband since a few years in Rupià, a little village in the province of Girona, in a beautiful old renovated house.

The entry

At the entry, there was a beautifully carved brass plate (you see handing at the wall in the picture above), like cosmic inter-relationships

In the meditation room, I met again the Krishna statue we had seen 12 years ago:

A beautifully carved hanging meditation altar

We had evening and morning meditations together and some intense talks. Then we had to bring the luggage back for the next stage of the journey.