McCloud is a small town in the south of Mount Shasta, and its dancing hall had been transformed into the venue for this year’s May Call Day celebration, the 110th one since Master CVV received the energy of synthesis in 1910 and started distributing it. And all of us had followed the call. About 350 group members had come from different parts of the globe, from India, Europe, and the Americas; many of them had been accommodated at different places in the surroundings and were transported by busses to the hall.
It had been quite a challenge for the California group to organize the event – its members are mainly IT specialists from India living around Silicon Valley, about 300 km away. A tent had been set up as a dining hall and in another tent was the kitchen – everything was well organised and run smoothly, with Indian and Western style food…
Tuesday morning the May Call group living started with the morning prayer at 9 am followed by some welcome greetings and the first discourse of Sri Kumar. Here is a short extract from his second discourse on May Call day:
“Master CVV is a Master of contraries; if you want one way it will be the other way. ‘I want it this way’ – immediately he says thank you; it will never be the way you want it but it will happen. You go with your very narrow understanding. Keep the mind open and look at the input. Newcomers come and find themselves highly in confusion because they think it should be like this. The Master said, why should it be like that?
Expect the unexpected, is the message of the Master. You wish a beautiful ambiance here to experience the ambiance of Mount Shasta. For how much time? There will be dark clouds, heavy snow. I will get messages: ‘They are presenting to me an Alfred Hitchcock movie’ and they think, the Master is like this. I told my family, it is mostly warm there in May; the Master said, ah, is it? I bought the warm clothes in a mall and the moment I bought the clothes the weather became warm. This happens with the Master. To him May Call is more important; the weather is not so important. We had so many May Calls with so many weathers. He wants us to become friendly with the elements by presenting the contraries to you. The first thing is, your life gets into a crisis. Touch the Master and get the crisis.”
Afterwards, there was a group excursion. First, we visited the Sacramento River headwaters. On a nearby meadow, we formed a huge circle and sung some mantrams. Beautiful sunshine shone on the place and for some moments, a white seagull came and flew very low inside the circle, like a messenger from above.
Later, the group went to a place at the foot of Mount Shasta to enjoy the presence of the mount and take some group pictures.
Afterwards, we drove to the upper, middle and lower falls of the McCloud Falls. I got a ride with my room-mate Mark and two friends from Denmark. We did a little excursion down to the river and sat for a while at a beautiful place at the confluence of two rivers.
In the afternoon, there were some book releases and distribution of gifts brought by group members. There were two new books with lectures of Master EK, a book with teachings of Master Kumar on the Secret Doctrine by Mme Blavatsky and the second volume with teachings by Master Kumar on Occult Healing, in German language.
I was particularly happy about the release of the English version of the biography of Sripada Srivallabha, an avatar of Lord Dattatreya. It had been a long way of several years to prepare this English version, after the German translation.