Jon Bon Jovi’s Soho Penthouse | Celebrity Homes

By Saharg @Saharghazale

After selling her previous house, Heidi Klum has been reportedly looking for a new one. She has been checking Jon Bon Jovi’s $37.5 million Soho penthouse, but we still don’t know if she has the made the decision to purchase it.

The space is beyond lovely, exquisite finishing and materials, lovely terraces, and an amazing view of lower Manhattan. If that’s her budget, I don’t see why she should look anywhere else. On the plus said, it is owned by my favorite singer of all time! *sigh*

From Domaine:

The six-bedroom, 7,452-square-foot duplex is chock-full of luxurious amenities such as wood-burning fireplaces, landscaped terraces, screening and projection rooms, and living and kitchen areas on both floors. Klum was scoping out several downtown homes, but it’s not going to be easy to pass up this superb penthouse.
