Jolly Jewellery: At The Movies

By Jollygoodstudio @JollyGoodStudio
I love watching movies. I know everyone says that, but it really is one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. Horror is my genre of choice but that doesn't stop me watching other types too. Most are best enjoyed with some microwave popcorn and with all other destracting electronic devices turned off. As you know, I also love jewelry. What better combination for today's Jolly Jewellery post than pieces inspired by films I love.

1. Movie Quote Necklace from Days of August. Possibly one of the most famous movie lines ever. When Harry Met Sally is a great movie and a rom-com that even Ross will sit down and watch with me. I love this wooden scroll necklace and if you're not a WHMS fan there are plenty of other famous lines to choose from.
2. Devotchka Necklace by Fable and Fury. Using the A Clockwork Orange slang in the A Clockwork Orange font this necklace is available in both white and black. I remember being shown the film in drama class at secondary school when we were all far too young.
3. ET Brooch by La Canica. A firm favorite of mine to watch at Christmas, Speilberg's ET always has me in tears. I love the mother of pearl effect and the simple but instantly recognisable silhouette.
4. Alien Face Hugger Ring from 4Blokes. These things creep me out but Alien was one of the first films I watched with a proper kick ass female lead, so they hold a special place in my memory. I also remember playing the playstation1 game and finding it one of the scariest and most atmospheric games I've ever played.
5. Rocky Horror Necklace by Hora Effect. Hands down my favorite musical. I mean, it has Tim Curry, Meat Loaf and the Time Warp, what's not to love. The iconic lips make for a striking accessory.
6. Moonrise Kingdom Record Player Brooch from Memories Warehouse. Such a fun and unusual movie. I loved the cast, especially Bruce Willis and Tild Seinton. This illustrated brooch captures the whimsy of the film perfectly
7. The Great Gatsby Ring by Days of August. I know Days of August are on this list twice but they just make great movie inspired pieces. I haven't even seen The Great Gatsby film (any of them) but I love the 1920's glam look. This ring manages to capture it in a subtle and simple way.
8. Silent Movie Necklace from The Spangled Maker. Not inspired by a single movie but a whole section of film history. I think this statement necklace is the perfect way to end this post.