Jolly Hopper Imperial IPA – Spinnakers Gastro Brewpub

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Spinnakers Gastro Brewpub in Victoria BC comes the "Jolly Hopper Imperial IPA". The beer pours a deep amber with a tan head. The aroma consists of caramel, fruity almost banana, lemon, floral hops and some sweetness. The flavour is of caramel, toffee, fruity, citrus rind, resin, pith, hops bitterness and a grassy finish. The alcohol content comes in at 8% with an IBU of 100. The 100 IBU and the alcohol does not really come out in the flavour as bitterness but this is an interesting flavour anyways. I would say this almost seems like and English IPA.

Commercial Description: Ahoy matey! While the Jolly Roger is flown to identify that pirates are about to attack, our Jolly Hopper signifies an imminent attack on your tastebuds. Featuring a moutherload of experimental hops, this beauty is not for the faint of palate. Surrender or walk the plank!