Join Us for an #ACDay Twitter Chat

Posted on the 11 December 2012 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 12 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST CIPE will be hosting a Twitter chat on how “implementation gaps” foster corruption and what can be done to overcome them.

As explained in the CIPE’s recently released public governance guidebook, published jointly with Global Integrity,  implementation gaps occur when a law says one thing on paper but is interpreted another way on the ground — or is simply ignored. Understanding and closing these implementation gaps is essential to fighting corruption. Many countries, for example, have strict anti-corruption laws with harsh sentences for violators, but still rate poorly on corruption indices because the laws are not implemented consistently. More importantly, implementation gaps in other kinds of laws create opportunities for corruption as well: for example, regulators might demand bribes to process a permit request in a timely manner.

Discussing CIPE’s innovative solutions to corruption and implementation gap problems at tomorrow’s chat will be CIPE Senior Program Officer for the Middle East and North Africa Gregory Simpson (@GSimpsonCIPE), Global Program Officer Anna Nadgrodkiewicz (@AnnaNGlobal), and, joining us from Ukraine, Eurasia Program Officer Frank Brown (@scupeater). Join us on the hashtag #ACDay or follow the chat here.