Over the past few years, young people have shown that they have a powerful voice and the will to demand democratic change. But lasting reform requires long-term engagement, and youth must take the lead in creating the economic and political opportunities on which their generation’s future will be built.
This year for International Youth Day CIPE and Atlas Corps are organizing the second annual #YouthChange Twitter chat to discuss how young people can get involved in democratic change and economic reform and how they can sustain their participation over the longer term. We will be joined by winners of CIPE’s 2012 Youth Essay Competition, ThinkTankLINKS alumni, and other youth voices from around the world.
The chat will be held August 12 at 10:00 AM EDT (check your local time here). Join the conversation by adding #YouthChange to your tweets or use our TweetChat room. If you don’t have a Twitter account you can still follow the chat here.