Johnno Casson Aka Snippet

Posted on the 12 October 2017 by Mike Lindley @fruitbatwalton
Colchester's favorite son Johnno Casson aka Snippet is the uncrowned king of feelgood pop-esque music and his latest album Human Good isn't bucking that trend. 

Johnno takes you on a journey of "people-rich" stories that encompasses a wide array of characters including fraudsters, pimps, prostitutes, drinkers, users and abuser’s and simple everyday folk just trying to make sense of this world. 

Alongside love letters to England and Johnno’s home town of Colchester, Human Good is shot through with a sense of defiance and optimism that everything will work itself out and be alright in the end. In Johnno's own words it's "melodic, passionate and full of sweet surprises."

From the off, the eponymous lead track Human Good sets an optimistic tone, with Johnno's quintessentially English vocal overlaid on a bouncy soundscape. 

Snippet quickly follows that with the slightly trippy and addictive They Keep Coming before getting meaner and moodier in the shape of Time Of Our Lives

The lead in to I Don't Need To Love You is as wistful as the title suggests before Snippet gets all sanguine with the delightful (Not) Down And Out

Another track not to be missed is the poignant Gentle Days, whilst not forgetting the equally wistful Hurt For You. This is an album of ups and downs, but not in a bad way as Johnno Casson employs his ever clever song writing talent to tease your emotions. We don't do marks out of...but if we did...Human Good gets a 'must have' comfortable 8/10.