“John Oliver Tackled the Border Patrol, Immigration & Stephen Miller” Links

Posted on the 07 August 2017 by Sumithardia

“John Oliver tackled the border patrol, immigration & Stephen Miller” links

John Oliver takes on Donald Trump, Stephen Miller & immigration. [Pajiba]
Anthony Mackie picks on poor Tom Holland. [LaineyGossip]
Fox News suspended Eric Bolling for sexual harassment. [Dlisted]
Meghan Markle has a good eye for cute-but-not-trendy pieces. [Go Fug Yourself]
I friggin’ love these memes about the I Love My Curvy Wife dude. [Jezebel]
Do you want to see Mear’s new music video? [OMG Blog]
Lindsey Pelas needs a bikini that fits her better. [Celebslam]
This Chloe Ayling story is so awful. This poor woman. [The Blemish]
Jill Zarin gives an update on Bobby’s condition. [Reality Tea]
More photos from Miley Cyrus’s awful Cosmo shoot. [Popoholic]
Tyga has a big foot fetish. A lot of dudes do though, it’s pretty common. [Starcasm]

Source: “John Oliver tackled the border patrol, immigration & Stephen Miller” links

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