John Kerry Meets With Hollywood Studio Chiefs to Discuss ISIS

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

And how, exactly, will this stop ISIS?  Hollyweird executives are now his national security advisers? Freakin amateurs.


From Variety: Secretary of State John Kerry met with the heads of major studios on Tuesday to talk about how to counter the ISIS narrative.

“Great convo w/ studio execs in LA. Good to hear their perspectives & ideas of how to counter #Daesh narrative,” Kerry tweeted, along with a photo of his meeting with Hollyweird honchos.

One attendee who was there said that the executives also exchanged ideas and observations about studio worldwide marketing of movies and TV shows, a way of showing how narrative storytelling can cross cultures. The attendee described part of the gathering as a “brainstorming session,” including how to involve storytellers in regions afflicted or threatened by ISIS, as a way to counter the narratives promulgated by the terrorist organization. “Let’s figure out how to involve people who are there,” the attendee said.

Read the whole story here.

Maybe Kerry should have checked with his boss before this meeting, or rather PR stunt. After all, “ISIS is contained.”
