John Barrowman – Fabulous (UK Tour) Review

Posted on the 22 June 2019 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Date: Thursday 20th June 2019

Venue: O2 City Hall, Newcastle


John Barrowman is a truly incredible performer who has a massive background in musical theatre, doing UK Tours, the West End and Broadway. As well as a very popular tv career with Doctor Who, Torchwood and Arrow. Then he was on I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here and that launched him to more people within the UK and saying FABULOUS so many times during that show as launched this new tour. He has toured many times before of course, so I was very happy to eventually get tickets to see him perform for the first time.

Fabulous is a heartfelt and intimate look into the life and career of this lovely down to earth man. I guess you could even think of it as an evening with, mixing together some musical theatre songs along with pop songs and some of his personal favourites which link in with the stories he tells throughout. It really is the perfect format and you cannot help but smile and at times with the songs have tears streaming down your face.

Celebrating the 30 years he has spent in the business and what a truly impressive way to do it! He is a Gay activist and has done a lot for the LGBT community and that is something he happily talks about throughout the show and having starred a few times in La Cage Aux Folles he closes the show with 'I am What I am' which really was amazing and got everyone up out of there seats to join in singing and dancing along.

The show is a family affair as well with his husband Scott selling the merchandise when you arrive at the venue and later joining him on stage (reluctantly). Not forgetting his Mam and Dad to fully steal the spotlight, one for an incredible singing performance and the other for his quick wise crack jokes. All of this makes it feel even more intimate and really did add something extra to the show.

It really was a truly special experience and something that I would love to do all over again right away. The way he was talking and showing photos on the big screen throughout the different songs linked everything together nicely. Talking about cosplay that he loves to do at different comic cons around the world and the holidays he takes with Scott. He really does seem to live a good life and wants it share it with people. Loves making people happy and this show certainly does make everyone in the audience very happy. An adorable moment happened when he started talking into a bottle of water instead of the microphone and then he got the giggles!

A majestic performer who really should be celebrated and appreciated even more than he already is, Fabulous is the perfect word to describe John Barrowman and I guess we have to be very thankful for the jungle experience for this show coming about in this manner. It just all works so perfectly and fully deserves ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reviews from everywhere!