The new Steven Soderbergh comedy stars Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey and Matt Bomer. It tells the story of a young man learning the ropes as a new stripper at a club called Xquisite.
The Nominees in the category: “Next Must-See Movie”
- Magic Mike
- Moonrise Kingdom
- Prometheus
- Snow White and the Huntsman
- Ted
- The Avenger
The NewNowNext Awards are turning five this year and once again will be shining a light on the trends that are about to be hot and the stars that are starting to burn bright. From awards for “Next Must See Movie” and “Next Mega Star” to the much coveted “Cause You’re Hot” honor, see what everyone will soon be buzzing about at the NewNowNext Awards. The show will also honor one timeless pop icon with the “Always Next, Forever Now Award” for their lasting, and astounding, legacy. So vote for your favorites and tune in to Logo Monday, April 9, to see who will win big and join the ranks of other NewNowNext award winners like Lady Gaga, True Blood and Britney Spears. This is one awards show that is beyond trends.
Also, The Vault staff wishes to express “Congratulations!” to for their nomination in the super fan site award category.