Joe Budden Addresses “Underwhelming” Battle With Hollow & Why He Put The Mic Down?

Posted on the 16 July 2014 by Thetrophylife @TheTrophyLife

Joe Budden Addresses “Underwhelming” Battle With Hollow & Why He Put The Mic Down?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

[Full Interview viaBattle Rap]

“To be honest, I don’t know what happened,” he said of the crowd reaction. “I don’t know what happened then. It just seemed like they were ready to boo.”

“It didn’t get to me mentally at all, which is the thing,” he added. “In my profession, you don’t rap over boos. It’s like Rapper 101 to know that if you at a show and niggas is booing, ‘Ya’ll, go ahead and boo. I got paid already.’ I’m either gonna wait for ya’ll to stop or I’m getting the fuck outta here. But in battle rap it’s very different. You gotta deal with it. You gotta rap over it. You can’t let it look like it is affecting you. It wasn’t that I was mad they was booing. I don’t give a fuck about boos. But my thing in my head was, ‘My mic is already bad and I really do have some shit in this third if I could just get it out.’ I can’t fight a bad mic and a million people booing. But once you threaten people that are booing, they’re just gonna boo more. That’s exactly what happened.”

“I didn’t understand how the time was being managed,” he said. “I had a lot more to go, I had a lot more to say in my first round and they stopped right when I felt I was heating up, I was cooking.”

“I thought that him and I both underwhelmed,” he said. “I know that he feels the same. There were major microphone issues which left us both with a decision to make. Hollow, his voice is higher pitched than mine, so he went with the hands-free mic which enabled him to have an amazing performance even if we couldn’t really hear what he was saying. But, I felt my words were really important so I went with the mic that you had to hold in your hand which threw everything else off. Horrible performance which went to a horrible delivery. It went to everything. Really the only thing that was good were my words and that was it.”

Well it is no secret that Hollow won that battle, and Joe Budden putting his mic down was looked upon as an automatic forfeit to many who watched and judged the battle. Overall Total Slaughter has many kinks they need to work out which may have made this battle have a more interesting outcome. Maybe they will get it right next time!