Jodorowsky's Dune - Giger the Set Designer, Salvador Dali the Emperor, Orson Wells and Mick Jagger

Posted on the 14 February 2014 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

moloko vellocet, sir or madam?

  Remembering that Frank Herbert's original novel DUNE was about the oil industry, Alejandro Jodorowsky wanted to make a film adaptation that would 'give one LSD hallucinations without taking LSD'. "I want to change the young minds of all the world." he said. Indeed, LSD-induced MK Ultra for the masses...
This fascinating documentary explores the genesis of one of cinema's greatest epics that never was: cult filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky's (EL TOPO) adaptation of Frank Herbert's sci-fi classic Dune, whose cast would have included such icons as Salvador Dali, Orson Welles and Mick Jagger. In 1975, following the runaway success of his art-house freak-outs EL TOPO and HOLY MOUNTAIN, Alejandro Jodorowsky secured the rights to Frank Herbert's Dune - and began work on what was gearing up to be a cinematic game-changer, a sci-fi epic unlike anything the world had ever seen. [source JODOROWSKY'S DUNE]

Hmm, sounds like 9/11 beat him to the Global MK Ultra moment -- yeah I wouldn't let it lie.

PS: you'd have thought that SonyPicturesClassics would have at least entered something in their About slot for this Making Of That Never Was documentary, due in June 2014.