Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Posted on the 12 September 2012 by Blab

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Whether you’re watching the Democratic or Republican National Convention, it seems, apart from the candidates’ names, “jobs” is the word you hear most. As they say, “It’s the economy, stupid”. So, with that in mind, here are a few key stats about working at a B Corporation. We hope you find it as impressive as we do!

  • B Corporations currently employee nearly 20,500 people in high quality jobs.
  • In 2011, 52% of B Corporations grew jobs by more than 5%.
  • 87% of B Corps cover at least some of health insurance premiums for individuals.
  • 65% of B Corps extend health benefits to part time and flex time employees.
  • 45% of B Corps fund a 401 (k) plan for employees.

(Data from 2012 B Corp Index)  

Want to work at a B Corp? Check out our jobs board.

You can also see our list of the Best Companies for Workers and for the World.