It has been a while since I have written one of these and it just might be my best one yet. Hang on to your hats, for it might be a bumpy ride with the thoughts I had last night.
BITCHCAKES!! I love it and I am so stealing it!
I get it, no one understands Sookie and her motivations right now. Let’s face it,the writers do not make it easy to do so. With that being said, I have been trying to put myself in Sookie’s shoes to figure out her reasoning’s certain things. Let’s take things one at a time shall we?
I have never understood this comment by fans of the show and never will. Sookie has had sex with three men in her lifetime and all three happened to be a vampire or a hybrid. Three men do not equal a slut, no matter what time frame it was in with which she slept with these men. Woman have needs too and with all she has been through, I say more power to her. Why shouldn’t she get freak her on? Why shouldn’t she ride the white horse? Why shouldn’t she be knocking some boots and doing the horizontal bop? I say more power to her.
I know some might be confused by Sookie’s actions of late, I am guilty of that myself but Sookie has not had an easy way to go lately. She is constantly being told one thing and one lie after another and never knowing which way to go. What is the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do? Which way should she go and who should she trust? I guess the simplest answer is to trust no one but how far is that going to get her? In reality, the only person she should trust is herself. Let’s start with a few simple characters, old and new although I would mostly be focused on the new.
Sookie was told by her fae relatives in the club that her magic is finite and since she is only half-fae, if she used it all up she would be ‘fae no more’. Niall tells her the same thing this season, that she could use it one time (I am assuming using it full blown)to kill a vampire namely WARLOW/BEN and she would no longer be fae. Who is telling the truth here? The reason I ask is because Sookie has used her light on vampires before this season(Bill,Pam, and Eric to name a few) and it only weakened the powers to which she only needed to recharge. She used it on Ben, granted not full force but still nothing happened for she still had her powers. She combined her powers with Ben to take him to another plane so Billith could not call upon him and now that they have has sex, her powers are at least 10x stronger than before.
It seems funny to me that she was told by Niall that if she used her powers, she would be ‘fae no more’ when that has clearly not happened. If I was her, I would be questioning what my supposed grandfather was telling me. Niall could very well have been using Sookie because he knew WARLOW was coming for her and would get his revenge on him then. Notice he did say angrily to Jason that his parents were killed as well so why shouldn’t he get to kill him. I would wonder if this was the plan of his all along. One thing is for sure about this is that Sookie’s powers have not waned as she was told they would, they only got stronger the closer Ben got to her. Just some food for thought peeps!
The thing with Bill, past and present Bill is that has done nothing but lie to her about everything and I don’t blame her one bit for not trusting him. The Bill she once knew, she thinks is dead and gone and rightly so and even if he was in there somewhere, she cannot trust him either. All she sees when she looks at him is someone she cannot trust him to speak the truth, even if it slapped him in the face. What’s more is that she sees someone who cannot take responsibility for the things he has done wrong. So when he comes to her about a tale of vampires that she loves dieing in a vamp camp, what is she supposed to do or think? He does not tell her the whole truth and does not mention that Nora is dying, someone she protected from her own brother. Is she just supposed to believe his words? I think not.
Ah, the controversial character! What is he all about? Is he the big bad or is he not all bad? Well, the jury is still out on that one. I, for one hope the writers go the opposite with his character and not do the obvious. It would be too predictable and I would end up very bored with a season that started out with so much good goodness, only to end on a sour and disappointing note. Ben has the potential to be a great character and that does not mean I want him with Sookie. I just feel bringing him on only to get rid of him at the end of this season would be a wasted opportunity. It would be more, LATHER, RINSE, REPEAT!
I digress because this part about Ben has to do with Sookie. We know she is going to ask Ben for his help to save her friends (because a part of her did believe the thing called Billith) but I think it kind of pains her to do so. Now, here is where I am stepping into Sookie’s shoes. Sookie, of all people knows what it is like to be used for your blood and how it can help others. It is in this way why I can understand why she is going to be protect him any way she can. It is not all about her attraction to him, she is doing what she feels is right.
Ben has the same ability she does, the power to grant vampires a chance to walk in the sun but at what cost? It is not something they should be used for and in this they share a common bond. Besides the fact that they are both fae and feel left out in the world because they are not normal. I imagine this is ten fold for him because he would feel as if he did not belong to either species. They understand each other in this sense. Who would not be attracted to him then?
Well,that is another one of my two cents and I won’t bore you with another one for a while (maybe lol). As usual, sound off below!