J.J. Abrams Talks About “Star Wars”, “Star Trek”, and “Cloverfield 2″

Posted on the 25 April 2013 by 2cool4blog @2cool4blog

J.J. Abrams, my bro that I hardly know, did an interview with Playboy about juggling multiple science fiction juggernauts (and Cloverfield). Probably not a good idea to open that link at work, but I’ve put together some bullet points for you guys because I love each and everyone of you to a point. 

1) J. J. Abrams says he’s got so many resources to draw inspiration from, including George Lucas for the new Star Wars film. Multiple groans were heard across the galaxy.

2) He admits that he wasn’t a fan of Star Trek, but later came to appreciate it. I personally feel that his outside perspective on the franchise is what gave it some fresh new legs to sprint on.

3) When asked about differentiating the aesthetics for Star Wars and Star Trek, J.J. said while the two films should feel different, he won’t come up with the aesthetics first and try to fit an entire movie into the said aesthetic.

4) J.J. says that he won’t rule out directing the third Star Trek film just because he’s got his hands full. If the right story came to his attention, he will try and get it done because he’s like the Carmelo Anthony of movies. He’s a franchise hog.

5) A second Cloverfield movie has been in discussion for some time, but he feels like he should just let it go. (Sounds like he’s having an “I can’t quit you!” moment here)

6) Wait, wasn’t Super 8 sort of like a Cloverfield sequel/prequel?

7 He’s looking forward to Pacific Rim. The real question is who ISN’T looking forward to Pacific Rim?

8) J.J. says there’s been some discussions concerning an Alias movie. I personally am not sure how relevant it would be and whether there’s any demand for it.

So there you have it. That about sums up his interview with Playboy.

Written by Daniel Lee

