Jimmy Fallon & Susan Sarandon Discuss Charlottesville, Political Ownership & More

Posted on the 15 August 2017 by Sumithardia

Jimmy Fallon & Susan Sarandon discuss Charlottesville, political ownership & more

Jimmy Fallon makes a conscious choice to be apolitical on the Tonight Show. It might be one of the reasons why his show has lost ground to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert – Colbert has leaned in hard to political humor and politics in general, whereas Fallon ruffled Donald Trump’s hair during an interview last year and that was as political as he got the entire election season. Anyway, Fallon decided to do a “cold open” on the Tonight Show last night and he talked about what happened in Charlottesville:

“Especially white people”… I wonder if he’s going to get flack for that? He’s a bubbly white dude who enjoys a tremendous amount of privilege in his life, in his career, and here he is acknowledging his privilege, owning it and saying that people like him need to do more.
Unfortunately, his guest last night was Susan Sarandon, one of the biggest a–holes in the world. I canceled her months ago, but she keeps talking, keeps deflecting, keeps acting like she didn’t stand there and endorse Russian stooge Jill Stein last year. Here’s Part I:

Here’s Part II:

In the first video, Fallon asks Sarandon for her take on what’s happening in this country. She says:
I think we have to own it. I think we have to admit that this is a systemic problem. This country was founded on the genocide of Native Americans and on the backs of slaves and I don’t think we’ve ever really dealt with that. This is something that goes very deep… you have to teach hate they don’t come out this way…On her last post [terrorist victim] Heather said ‘If you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention.’ This is an amazing opportunity for people to pay attention and to have these conversations…The mainstream media, the president, everyone was quiet during Standing Rock. Nobody covered that no one seemed to be outraged that the strip searching, labeling, rubber bullets, and people losing eyes and arms. People didn’t even know about that..Until people don’t have to say ‘black lives matter’ we’re not free.
Yeah, I still think she’s full of sh-t. She’s basically saying that America is a sh-thole because Donald Trump is president, yet she takes zero ownership of the fact that she actively tried to persuade voters away from voting for Hillary Clinton, America’s last best hope to stem the rise of Trump-fascism. Susan Sarandon endorsed Jill Stein, a candidate who said “Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy is much scarier than Donald Trump’s.” And now that we’re on the brink of nuclear war with North Korea, has that stance aged well? Does Susan Sarandon get to be the voice of any of resistance movement?
“I think we have to own it” – do I, an Indian-American woman who voted for Hillary Clinton, have to take ownership for this unfolding debacle in the same way privileged white Jill Stein voters have to take ownership?? As I told all of the Hillary voters and straight-line Dem-voters the day after the election: we don’t own what happens next. We have a responsibility to stay vigilant, stay woke, stay agitated, stay resisted, but what happens next is not ours to own. We didn’t create this monster.

Photos courtesy of The Tonight Show, WENN.

Source: Jimmy Fallon & Susan Sarandon discuss Charlottesville, political ownership & more

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