Jim Just Finished the Restoration of His 1915 Monroe! There Are Only 3, This Might Be the Only One Running

By Bertyc @bertyc

The Monroe (1914 -1923) was a fairly popular low - priced car which was powered by 4 - cylinder engines by Mason or Sterling. " The car that convinces" was their slogan.
 All of the stockholders of the Monroe company were also stockholders of Chevrolet, and the Monroe were distributed by Chevrolet dealerships. May be this is why the emblems of Monroe and Chevrolet are showing the same colors these years. The best year of the company was 1920 with 2,653 cars sold. In 9 years they built less than 15,000 automobiles.

Not much on the internet about the Monroes. http://scrippsboothregister.com/Monroe.html  and  http://scrippsboothregister.com/Monroe_Files/MonroeM2-M3Production_History.html