Jerusalem, Israel - Travel Photo Diary

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Israel was the last travel destination I had visited. A year into the pandemic, the idea of leisurely travel feels so alien. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in busy streets without masks, galavanting around just because one can.

Israel was one of the unique travel experiences. I didn't know what to expect but what I saw wasn't what I had imagined. While it was fun trip, it was a mixed bag. I'd share those details some other time, for now here's a short introduction to Jerusalem with a photo diary. While the image of ancient Jerusalem—a city still ruled by King David and his followers, I instead the city in flux. Beyond the historic walls of the Old City lied a buzzing metropolis where traditional lifestyles collided with cosmopolitan developments. West Jerusalem is littered with trendy restaurants and bars, while East Jerusalem resonates with the cries of market vendors.