Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with Smoked Oyster Gremolata

Posted on the 19 December 2013 by Rachel Kelly @MarmadukeS

jerusalem artichoke soup with
smoked oyster gremolata

If you haven't planned on your Christmas menu, than you there is still time to rush and buy some Jerusalem artichokes. How can you not love the Jerusalem artichoke, which is neither from Jerusalem nor is an artichoke? Well if those reasons aren't thrilling enough, they are said to have all sorts of wonderful health benefits too (which may not be what you're thinking about at this time of the year, but you may well thank me later!
From lowering blood pressure to reducing cholesterol, Jerusalem artichokes are chock full of iron, magnesium and potassium (which for some reason I think of as a hangover cure - just what you need at Christmas). Even if none of this were true, I love the nutty, slightly sweet flavor of Jerusalem artichokes. Besides, this is a recipe that is far too delicious to actually feel healthy!

Jerusalem artichokes have a real affinity for fish and shellfish; (think Jerusalem artichoke gratin with kippers and you'll know what I am talking about). I used smoked oysters (or mussels), but if you want a totally vegetarian option, then I can highly recommend a hazelnut and sundried tomato pesto. Tastes delicious and looks pretty festive too.

Serves 4
Skill level: Easy
1 kg Jerusalem artichokes, well-scrubbed, cut in 1cm thick discs
1 x onion, chopped
2 x garlic cloves, finely chopped
1.2 litres vegetable or chicken stock
2 tbsp olive oil
a small knob of butter
2 x bay leaves
a sprig of fresh thyme
black pepper
milk (optional)
gremolata 1 x tin smoked oysters
fresh flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
lemon juice
  1. Fry onion gently in butter until soft, stirring often (about 10 minutes).
  2. Add garlic. Stir gently for 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Add artichokes. Stir for 2 minutes.
  4. Add pepper, bay leaves and stock. Bring to boil. Simmer gently until all vegetables are soft, (about 10 minutes).
  5. Allow to cool a little before blending. 
  6. The soup should be fairly thick but thin with a little milk if necessary. 
  7. Make a gremolata of finely chopped tinned smoked oysters, parsley and a squeeze of lemon juice, to dollop over the top.