The show is billed as "Jerry Douglas" but notloB has inside info that Jerry will be joined by two very special guests. Names withheld to protect the usual travelers.
HeptunesThe First Parish Church, Harvard Sq.
3 Church Street
Cambrige, MA 02138 Venue Information
Buy TicketsFriday April 11, 2014 8:00 PMOur favorite dobro player returns to Harvard Sq. performing a rare solo and acoustic show in this intimate Cambridge landmark. Jerry is very likely the most sought after musician on the planet. From Alison Krauss's Union Station to Elvis Costello's acoustic project to the famed Trans-Atlantic Sessions.Here are a few of his credits:13 Time Grammy Winner3 Time Country Music Association MUSICIAN OF THE YEARDistinguished Recipient of the NATIONAL HERITAGE FELLOWSHIP from The National Endowment Of The Arts Performed on over 2000 albumsTicket Information:All seats are General Admission.NOTE: TICKETS MAY BE PICKED UP AND DOORS OPEN BEGINNING ONE HOUR BEFORE PERFORMANCE.